Brace yourselves, folks. Taylor Swift is ready to clear the air about her take on feminism. Ready?
In an interview with The Guardian published today, the 24-year-old star says she's come to embrace a more feminist stance. And, yes, befriending Lena Dunham played a small role.
"As a teenager, I didn’t understand that saying you’re a feminist is just saying that you hope women and men will have equal rights and equal opportunities," Swift said. "What it seemed to me, the way it was phrased in culture, society, was that you hate men. And, now, I think a lot of girls have had a feminist awakening because they understand what the word means. For so long it’s been made to seem like something where you’d picket against the opposite sex, whereas it’s not about that at all."
(Imma let you finish, Taylor, but can we just pause to acknowledge how annoying it is that some young women still think this way about feminism? WE DON'T HATE MEN. Anyway, please continue.)
"Becoming friends with Lena — without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she says what she says, why she stands for what she stands for — has made me realize that I’ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so."
Welcome to the club, Tay.
Swift also added that her recent focus on female friendships (so, so many female friendships) has made her hesitant to get back in the dating pool.
"It [having a boyfriend] just doesn’t seem like a possibility in the near future," she insisted. "It doesn’t ever work. What works is having incredible girlfriends who I can trust and tell anything."
Sorry, dudes. You had your moment. (The Guardian)
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