Wanna know how much of your online dirt is available to the public? As part of the marketing campaign for its hacker-espionage video game Watch Dogs, Ubisoft has unveiled a web app called Digital Shadow that exposes all of your accessible Facebook data.
Just enter your login credentials, and it displays the public photos you've uploaded as well as pics that have been tagged with you in them. It also shows you when you've posted, how often you do so, and the time you most frequently post. And, it reveals the friends who are most likely to be "liabilities" — those who tend to tag you, probably with bottles of Malibu rum sticking out of your mouth. Plus, it analyzes your character profile and makes pretty decent guesses at your passwords, which is a feature disturbing enough to make any Facebook user double-check their privacy settings.
Don't worry, though. If you, like me, haven't used Facebook since 2008, Digital Shadow can't find any dirt on you.

As for the rest of you, though, "Gaspar Oliveira" sounds like a great pseudonym to adopt when you sneak your way into Liechtenstein. (The Huffington Post)