Facebook will celebrate 10 years of existence next week, which is probably the same amount of time you've spent on the social media juggernaut. Okay, so maybe 10 years is a bit of a stretch, but why not find out by how much?
TIME has developed a tool that allows you to determine approximately how many hours you've wasted stalking your ex over the past decade. Hint: It ain't pretty. The calculator uses variables like the date you joined the site, and how often you post things, to determine whether or not the last 10 years of your life have been a total wash or not.
Since we're aware that our Facebook addiction has been quite severe over the years, we've made the conscious decision not to use the calculator, for fear that it might send us spiraling into a deep depression. But, if you feel like having an existential crisis, by all means, go for it.
Mark Zuckerberg is smart enough not to share the data with Facebook's 1.1 billion users, who might simultaneously revolt if they ever found out how much of their lives they've spent surfing the Blue Monster. And, with revenues hovering over the $7 billion plateau, that would be a very, very bad thing. Ignorance as they say, is bliss. (TIME Magazine)