You may have heard a while back that Victoria's Secret model Jessica Hart caused a bit of drama regarding the show's musical guest, Taylor Swift. In an interview with WWD at the after-party, Hart said that Swift couldn't pull off the role of a lingerie model: “God bless her heart. I think she’s great…But I don’t know, to me, she didn’t fit.”
According to Page Six, the top brass at VS are "furious," and Hart will not be invited back to walk in the show next year. She'll be nixed from future catalog shoots, too. Of course, it's no surprise that this is coming back to bite her in the you-know-what. It's not a mean comment by gossip standards, but hey, this is a major star we're talking about, and in such cases it's always better to keep mum.
Being a VS girl is all about PR and maintaining a very well-manicured image, so again, no surprise. But, we tend to think that Hart was simply speaking her mind in a mostly innocent way, here. If you think about it, Swift has always pushed a rather demure, gentle image in keeping with her particularly poppy brand of country. Crazy underpants and million-dollar bras don't exactly come to mind. (Page Six)