Just when you thought it was safe to sexually harass a woman and get away with it, along came a little thing we like to call the Internet. The latest case involves a 20-something woman based in Minneapolis, who posted a personal ad to Craigslist's missed Connections. In the posting, our gal starts out coy and flirty. "The scene: 4:30 pm Friday, intersection at American Blvd and 34th Avenue." She, a blonde, was wearing a black fitted dress. He was dressed in a corporate-casual red polo shirt. Are you feeling steamy yet? She quickly moves into the meat of the scene, her fond remembrances of being yelled at. "You leaned out of your window and made some ridiculous series of leering comments about whether I was wearing a thong, right as the light changed and you peeled off, pleased with yourself and saved from any consequences." And then the hammer really comes down.
See, our woman is not just going to let this hapless creep get away without a little talking-to. "If you'd stuck around," she writes, "I would have happily shouted a few things of my own at you: that it's people like you that make women avoid walking alone or taking transit even in broad daylight in their own cities; that no matter what screwed up metric you use it's not a 'compliment' to have someone interrogate me about my underwear; that thanks to you I would spend the entire train ride home feeling scrutinized and gross because you didn't have the willpower or maturity to keep your mouth shut; that your wife and daughters or at the very least your mother deserve better than a cowardly man who shouts at women from the safety of his car."
That's what we call evisceration. Clean, surgical, and thorough. (Jezebel)