Jen Chae
Chalk this one up to major resourcefulness: Jen Chae can curl her eyelashes with a spoon. "Just place your lashes between the flat part of your thumb and the sharp edge of a spoon, and pull your lashes upward with a bit of tension — similar to curling ribbons on a present with a pair of scissors."
Carly Cristman
To preserve (or create) beautiful curls while she sleeps, Cristman employs a sneaky trick. "I roll my hair into a headband at night so that in the morning I wake up with beautiful heatless curls." To get the look, put a stretchy elastic headband on top of your head, flower-child-style, and tuck sections of hair up and over the headband until each section is wound around the band (you'll be left with a 40's-style victory roll hairdo). Sleep on it, and release hair in the morning for super-easy curls.
Michelle Phan
Phan understands that the state of one's brows can make or break a beauty look — a trick that she learned from an unexpected source. "To look more serious and like you mean business, reduce the arch of your brows. A fuller arch can make you appear sweeter, but a skinny, straight arch looks more serious. I learned this from anime and manga art; the characters I had to create needed to convey the right emotion." Interesting facts to take into account at your next eyebrow shaping, no?
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