Do you ever get the sneaking suspicion that Mark Ruffalo is the coolest guy ever? First of all, his last name rhymes with "buffalo" and that's obviously great. Second of all, when he was informed by The Vulture of the Internet slash fiction phenomenon known as Science Bros (an Internet subculture championing the friendship between of Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, the characters Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. play in The Avengers), he had a thoroughly wonderful reaction. We imagine some celebrities would have either been weirded out or shocked into silence, but not our Mark.
"Yes! It's me and Robert! Look at this! There's thousands of them! It's called the Science Bros. This is awesome. I've never heard of it. Why hasn't anyone told me about that?" he said, with barely contained glee. The whole interview is just great, one of the most fun glimpses into celebrities-as-real-people we've ever read. Highly recommend if you have a thing for slightly scruffy guys who charm you with their awkward habit of muttering movie lines. (The Vulture)
Photo: Alex J. Berliner/BEImages.