Another New York Fashion Week has come and gone, and in its wake, we're left with a slew of new trends and styles to carry us through fall. In case you didn't catch all of the shows (don't worry, we didn't either), the folks over at Stylitics have done the trend forecasting for you! Buyers, take note: These are the trends consumers — in other words, real people with real wallets — were most excited about wearing. Over a 48-week period ending on February 13, the site gathered data based on what its users were posting to their virtual closets, and today, the results are in.
All your standard fare for the last few years is present, from peplums and leather to lace and burgundy. A few newcomers freshen up the list, including a modern take on paisley. The pattern itself has seen a steep decline in popularity since last fall, but it's climbed back to the top since January, both in sales and in actual reported outfits. Eggplant, too, threatened to show up the ever-present burgundy colorway, with a steady increase over the last few months.
Spring is just over the horizon, and you're probably itching to ditch your cashmere sweater and scarf for a bikini, but any fashion-savvy girl knows the time to stock up on next seasons fall trends starts now. So, what do you think? Do these numbers line up with your taste, or does this all look like last year's fodder to you? (Stylitics)