When Gwyneth talks, we listen. And, we know we're not the only ones — there are entire blogs dedicated to the word of Paltrow, and her collabs with established brands don't just make it rain sales-wise, they're full-on monsoons. Plus, we all know her non-GOOP-related résumé (and IMDb page) is pretty stacked, as well: She's a certified crooner, Coach calls her a muse, and she's a talented cook. We were actually racking our brains for the one thing Gwyn can't do — and all we could come up with was not be perfect. Pretty pathetic, right?
So, when the Paltrow-approved guide to L.A. landed in our inboxes, we ignored the blinking GChat windows and dove right in. Her suggestions for stellar new eateries include R29 faves like Bestia, Hinoki and the Bird, and Superba Snack Bar, but she highlights older stand-bys like Giorgio Baldi and Café Gratitude, too. And, what GOOP email blast would be complete sans shopping tips? The A-lister notes Lala's best like Heath Ceramics and Just One Eye as must-hits for those inevitable Amex moments.
If you have yet to invest in her city guides, we insist you shell out the $3.99 at the Apple App Store, ASAP. Who knows, you might run into the GOOP guru herself next time you grab a pint at The Pikey!

Photo: Via GOOP