Ryan Lochte, you're doing it wrong! If we had a nickel for every time we've said that, we'd probably have like ten nickels or something. Anyway, the superstar Olympian is at it again, this time for a spread in ESPN: The Magazine (love the straightforward title) featuring various athletes recreating famous album covers. Lochte was giving the daunting task of posing for an updated version of Nirvana's Nevermind, but someone on set clearly forgot a critical element. Six words: You're supposed to be naked, bro.
We get that nudity is probably a little NSFW for this particular publication. And we get that Lochte is probably more at home in his Speedo than his birthday suit. Maybe we developed a taste for Olympic naughtiness after this incredible series, or this hilarious accident. But whatever the reason, we are outraged. We demand a public apology. Or, you know, a private one. Whatever.

Photos: Matthias Clamer/ESPN via Buzzfeed.