Lady Gaga's outspoken political bent isn't anything new, but her decision to lunch with one of the more divisive characters in the world is, well, new for Gagaloo. While in the U.K. on her fragrance launch tour, the singer dropped into the Ecuadorian Embassy to see her new pal Julian Assange. Because apparently, when you are promoting your freshly launched scent, you absolutely must make time to drop in on one of the most sought-after whistleblowers of the 20th century.
As if Gaga and Assange couldn't be stranger bedfellows, the two were paired up by another rabble-rouser, M.I.A. The rapper tweeted at Gaga, telling her to drop in on Assange and that she'd bring treats if Gaga did.
@ladygaga if ur at harrods today , come visit Assange at the Ecuador embassy across the st. im there.ill bring TEA and CAKE.
— M.I.A(@MIAuniverse) October 7, 2012
No word on whether or not M.I.A made an appearance, but Lady Gaga did manage to stay a whole five hours with Assange. Do you think the blond Aussie is now a Little Monster? Will the Born This Way Foundation be responsible for a massive information dump? And also, was the visit so unexpected that he wasn't able to find a clean shirt? (Or, is that what life on the run does to you?) (Huff Post)
Photo: Courtesy of LittleMonsters.com