Your Horoscope This Week: 6th November to 12th November, 2022
Last Updated 6 November 2022, 8:31
The last eclipse of 2022 is here! The 8th of November brings a total blood moon lunar eclipse in Taurus that will shake up our lives forever.
The Sun in Scorpio shares a tense aspect with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on 9th November and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius on 11th November. These transits are allowing us to embrace our unique personalities—even if others are judging us. No matter what people say or think, we have to own our truest and most authentic selves.
Mercury is very active this week. The planet of communication aligns with the South Node of Destiny in Scorpio on 6th November, creating miscommunications and anxieties. Mercury connects with the Sun in Scorpio and opposes Uranus retrograde on 8th November, allowing us to gain clarity on matters. Mercury and Saturn square off on 10th November, urging us to make profound statements. Two days later, Mercury and Neptune retrograde in Pisces harmonise, adding sentimentality and sweetness to our words.
Venus, who is extra passionate in Scorpio, is cooling down on 7th November, when austere Saturn clashes with the desirous vibe. Luckily, Venus and Neptune retrograde link up on 10th November, adding tenderness and dreaminess to our love lives.
All in all, the week ahead isn’t for the faint of heart. Reach out to others if you’re having a hard time and call those who are hanging on lightly. Empathy is important in times like these.