The Details Of Taylor Swift’s Mask-Wearing Stalker Are Chilling

Photo: Anthony Harvey/Getty Images.
Police apprehended a man outside Taylor Swift's home last weekend on suspicion of stalking, according to a report from the Associated Press. The man, named Julius Sandrock, 38, was outside Swift's home in Beverly Hills when he was arrested. Though Swift wasn't at her home at the time — allegedly, she was in New York City, where she resides — the details surrounding Sandrock are sinister. At the time of his arrest, Sandrock had a knife, rope, several pairs of gloves, and some masks. Sandrock was also wearing a mask at the time, and he told the police that he owned three handguns. (It is not immediately clear if Sandrock had a gun in his possession at the time.) Police have temporarily banned Sandrock from possessing arms. Police released Sandrock yesterday while they continue their investigation.
Swift, like most celebrities, has been the victim of stalking before. In 2016, police arrested the then 39-year-old Frank Andrew Hoover for violating Swift's restraining order against him. In January of 2017, prosecutors assigned to Hoover's case discovered a number of death threats Hoover sent to Swift and her family between May 2016 and October 2016. A Texas court sentenced Hoover ten years probation.
Swift also famously battled former DJ David Mueller in court after he sued Swift for costing him his job after a 2013 groping incident. Mueller sued the pop star for $3 million in damages in 2015, and, in response, Swift countersued for a single dollar. Mueller paid the dollar by way of a Sacagawea coin mailed to her residence. He now has a job DJing for a radio show under the DJ name Stonewall Jackson.
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