Hugh Grant's Moving Love Actually Speech Captured The National Mood

Love Actually has probably become the definitive British Christmas movie, so last night's Comic Relief sequel had a lot to live up to. Thankfully, writer-director Richard Curtis and actors including Martine McCutcheon, Keira Knightley, and Chiwetel Ejiofor gave fans plenty to savour in their 10-minute short film, Red Nose Day, Actually.
It would be unfair to give too much away - some fans may not have seen it yet, and Red Nose Day, Actually hasn't been added to YouTube. But it probably suffices to say there was a cameo from a fashion icon, more wonderful scene-stealing from Bill Nighy's ageing rock star, and plenty of happy endings.
But the most moving moment may have been the speech given by David, Hugh Grant's Prime Minister. In the wake of this week's horrifying London Attack, his words felt especially poignant and inspiring.
"Obviously times have got harder and people are nervous and fearful," Grant's PM began. "And it's not just in politics that things are tough: Usain Bolt has run his last Olympics, the Harry Potter films are finished, Piers Morgan is still alive."
"But let's look at the other side of the coin," he continued. "Metallica's album is an absolute cracker and on a deeper level I'm optimistic [that] wherever you see tragedy, you see bravery, too. Wherever you see ordinary people in need, you see extraordinary people come to their aid."
"Today is Red Nose Day and people are giving their hard-earned cash to people they'll never meet, whose pain and fear they'll never feel and want to fight. So it's not romantic to say that love is all round. Most people still every day, everywhere have enough love in their hearts to help human beings in trouble."
"Good's going to win, I'm actually sure of it," he concluded stirringly.
Some viewers were so moved by the speech, they even suggested Grant's Love, Actually character might be "the best Prime Minister we never had."
And as if to prove his point about good always winning, the BBC reports that Comic Relief 2017 has already raised more than £71 million for charity.

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