Money Diaries

A Week In Perth, Western Australia, On A $85,000 Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we tackle the ever-present taboo that is money. We ask real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we track every last dollar.

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Today: a project coordinator who makes $85,000 a year and spends some of her money this week on a green turtleneck on sale from Portmans (that she later returns).
Occupation: Project Coordinator
Industry: Energy
Age: 33
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Salary: $85,000 (I also earn about $250 — $400 a month as a freelance writer, but this isn't consistent).
Net Worth: $226,866 (A home worth $650,000 shared with my partner, $63,003 in superannuation, $2,250 in shares, $66,200 in savings (this has gotten a significant boost due to my redundancy payout and retainment bonus).
Debt: $460,386 in our mortgage, so $229,587 my half.
Paycheque Amount (Monthly): About $5,600 (This includes my 9—5 job as well as freelance copywriting gigs).
Pronouns: She/Her
I only recently got married (like, three weeks ago!), so my husband and I have separate finances and generally divide paying for things or taking turns. He pays for all the household bills (mainly because they're in his name and he's too lazy to do the maths and figure out how much I owe him) and earns more than I do.
I pay for our groceries, entertainment, vet bills, and little things like our personal training sessions, so it probably evens up. We used to be much more organised with splitting household bills when we had a housemate, but since buying our home we have gotten much more relaxed.

Monthly Expenses

Mortgage: $948 (my share). I live with my husband, J., and our dog, C. J. and I split the mortgage evenly and C. pays us in cuteness. We bought our house about five years ago in an up-and-coming suburb which is... still very much up and coming. But at least we have a massive backyard for our tiny dog. C. is a Dachshund X Maltese and is my absolute WORLD.
Phone/Samsung Watch: $66 (This is cheaper as I traded my old phone in when I upgraded).
Personal Training: $360 (We go weekly and have a combined session at $90 a pop. It's something we started before our wedding but we love our trainer so we've continued with it).
Gym: $67
Health Insurance: $167 (Paid annually)
New York Times Magazine Subscription: $8 
Car Insurance: $48.30 (Paid annually)
Headspace App: $7.66 (Paid annually)
Netflix/Spotify/Stan/Paramount Plus: J. pays for these.
Savings Contribution: $1,500, but I put away more if I do a lot of freelance jobs. I generally just put all of my money in my offset account when I get paid and transfer money around from there. My cards have been hacked several times by skimmers, so I try not to keep too much money in my transaction accounts.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes. It was pretty much expected of me as I always did well in school. My parents paid for my university fees under the proviso that if I failed any of my units I would need to pay them back. I was close to failing in my first year, but I managed to scrape through (mainly with passes though, if I'm honest).
I had to move to the city to go to university, so I also benefited from Youth Allowance. My parents also paid for my rent in my first year of uni while I lived on campus which was appreciated as I was unable to work or drive for the first six months of uni (long story short, I was hit by a car, had a broken elbow).
I also received a relocation scholarship in my second and third years because I was from the country. I didn't know it was a thing during my first year, otherwise, I would have applied for it then too.

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

When I was younger, my dad was a bank manager. As a result, my sisters and I all had bank accounts as soon as we were able, where we put our allowance and birthday money into. My parents always lived within their means and didn't care too much about keeping up appearances, instead preferring to spend money on sports, activities we liked, and overseas holidays.
My mum in particular was always banging on about things like buying home brand instead of brand names ("They're all made in the same factory!" she would say) and buying things on special, which definitely rubbed off on me. I've had to work really hard to get myself out of that same mentality. Growing up, we were always dressed in fashion's finest — Fosseys (IYKYK) and Target Country.

What was your first job and why did you get it?

My first unofficial job was babysitting for my dad's friends when I was 12 (which is wild that a 12-year-old was trusted with someone's children!).
When I was 13, the people I babysat for gave me my first 'proper' job at a fish and chip shop. A lot of my dad's friends' kids worked there and it was a pretty fun and cruisy job. I worked there throughout high school and during my gap year until I was 19 and moved to Perth. 
The first job I got on my own merit (with a group interview and everything) was at Sanity when I was 16, which was the best job ever. Getting asked my opinion on music, plus making double time and a half on Sundays? Yes please! Sadly, I was just a Christmas casual and quit when school started again.
I mainly wanted a job to feel grown up and to save up for things that my parents didn't want to buy me, like surfwear (Roxy and Billabong were the height of fashion at my school!). Most of my friends had jobs after work and on the weekends so it felt normal. 

Did you worry about money growing up?

Not really, my parents shielded me from any stress they had. My dad lost his job when I was about seven years old, but I only found out about this two years ago. My parents have both worked consistently in stable jobs — mum is a teacher and after dad quit banking, he bought a small business which he still runs. 
We always lived in 'bank rentals' and had to move around a lot when I was young due to dad's job with the bank (I'm talking three towns in about four years), but after he quit, they bought a house and have stayed put ever since. 
Growing up in a small town, I always thought my family were upper-middle class, maybe even rich. But once I moved to Perth, I realised how wealthy rich people actually are.

Do you worry about money now?

Yes and no. A couple of years ago, I was literally living paycheque-to-paycheque as I was woefully underpaid. After changing jobs and moving up a few pay brackets, I'm much more comfortable and have actually been able to save money. 
I don't worry about day-to-day money issues now, but I do worry about issues in the future — are we ever going to pay off our house? How are we going to be able to afford kids? Things like that.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?

I'd probably say I became financially responsible for myself at 24. While I did move out at 19, I received assistance from my parents and Centrelink. After university, I moved to London, then back to Perth where I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) and housemate, officially starting #adulting.
My safety net is my husband, but I have tried really hard to start building up my savings to form my own safety net. They took a bit of a hit from the wedding though! If my husband and I both got into strife, we would be able to rely on my parents for help, and to a lesser extent his parents as well. That would be an absolute last resort though.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.

My parents gave us $10,000 to help with our wedding (thanks, mum and dad!). Apart from that, I've received about $20,000 from my maternal grandparents as a wedding present (and early inheritance). My grandparents are pretty well-off and I think my grandad would rather see us enjoy what he can give us while he is still around, particularly after my grandma died a few years back.
I also was gifted grandad's car (2001 Corolla) when I came back from London as I had to sell my old one before I left. He generally does this when he upgrades his car — rather than selling his old car, he gives it to one of his grandchildren. It was extra special for me as I essentially learned to drive in that car with my grandad. I had that car for about 10 years before it finally died last year. I was pretty upset when I had to get a new one!

Day 1

6:30am — My alarm goes off and I immediately hit snooze. It's too bloody cold this morning and I don't need to be out of bed until 7am anyway.
7:00am — I actually get up and head downstairs to make breakfast for my husband, J., and I. Today's menu: Vegemite toast with cheese and avocado. I also have instant Moccona coffee. We had our wedding earlier this month and one of the presents I'm planning to buy myself with our wishing well money is a proper coffee machine, but I'm trying to hold out until the EOFY sales so I can get a good deal. 
7:30am — After breakfast, I have a shower and start getting ready for the day. J. tries to convince me to give him a lift to the train station so he doesn't have to get the bus, but I'm already going to be late, so he accepts defeat and heads to the bus stop.
Today is casual Friday at work, so I opt for black skinny jeans, white Lacoste sneakers, and a lilac jumper. I brush my teeth, and do my skincare, using a mix of DMK and Go-To products. I put on some tinted moisturiser, concealer (damn period pimples), mascara, and brow soap. 
8:00am — I feed C., our dog, and get my stuff together for work. We have to take all of our stuff home each night because of Covid, so I have to lug my two laptops to and from work every day.
8:15am — I grab my stuff, leash up C., and head to my car. I'm taking C. to work today because it's pretty cold outside and I don't want her to be freezing, plus it's my last day in our dog-friendly office, so why not?!
8:30am — C. and I get to work for our last day. Backstory: the company I work for is closing down due to a decision from by our parent company. A few months ago roughly half the company was made redundant and they kept on some skeleton staff to keep things running until everything was finalised. As I was the only marketing person left, I've been working like crazy to get everything closed off. Luckily, I was offered a position at one of the other companies our parent company owns, so I've basically been working two jobs for the last few weeks. The new position is in project management rather than marketing, but I'll take what I can get! A lot of other people in the office (myself included) are officially being made redundant after today, so the vibe is very bittersweet.
10:00am — I take a walk with one of my coworkers to the farmers market next to work and buy some food for the end-of-company BBQ lunch we're having today. While I'm there, I buy an oat milk cappuccino ($5). I notice that my pay has come in, including my redundancy payout and my retention bonus. I am rich... for two whole minutes before I transfer it into my offset mortgage account. *le sigh*. $5
11:00am — My co-worker, J., also brought his dog into the office so the pups have a great time running around chasing each other. 
12:00pm —  I switch laptops to do some project work for my new job (sandwiched in between scrolling Luxury Escapes for some honeymoon deals). My desk buddy is watching the basketball. No one is doing much work today, but we're all hands on deck to get the BBQ going. Yay for free lunch!
4:00pm — The whole team has been eating, drinking, and chatting for the last few hours, but now it's home time! C. and I do the rounds saying goodbye to the team. Some of them will be working for the sister company, so I'll see them next week anyway. I get my 'goodbye wine' and a card that everyone signed and head home. 
4:30pm — I take C. for a short walk up to the library to pick up a book I have had on hold — Any Ordinary Day by Leigh Sales. We walk home via the oval so she can have a run-around, and she makes friends with a little Poodle.
5:30pm — Once we get home, I'm back in the car again to pick J. up from the train station as I think it's going to rain. I take C. along as she loves a car ride and there is nothing cuter than watching her jump up against the window when she sees daddy get to the car, bless.
6:00pm — Once we get home, we open a bottle of shiraz and start cooking. We are using one of our HelloFresh recipes from this week's box — chorizo fettuccini. Pretty tasty!
6:30pm — Since J. helped me cook, I watch Star Trek: Picard with him while we eat. We have a couple of squares of Lindt dark chocolate while we watch.
9:00pm — I head to bed early but end up watching Eurovision in bed for a couple of hours before going to sleep.
Daily Total: $5

Day 2

7:00am — My alarm starts blaring so I hit snooze. Sensing a pattern here? I love snoozing even though it inevitably makes me more tired. Go figure. I finally get up at 8am. J. is already up playing games on his computer. I snuggle in bed with C. for a while I watch some Instagram Reels before getting ready to go to the gym.
8:00am — After half-heartedly trying to convince J. to join me at the gym, I head off. It's only a 15-minute drive from my house but I'm always just on the edge of being late — will I ever learn? 
8:25am — Arrive at the gym with only minutes to spare before my spin class starts. I head in, only to find that our normal instructor is away and the fill-in has changed the class time to 8:45am. To kill time, I jump on the treadmill and do a quick 2km run. I'm doing the MS 50k challenge with my sisters and I'm quite behind, so every km count!
9:30am — Oof, that class was tough! On the way home, I stop in at my favourite coffee shop to get myself an iced latte as a reward for exercising. $4.80
10:00am — I get home and start cooking breakfast for J. and I — Vegemite toast with cheese and avocado (again), but this time with a fried egg on top for extra protein. After breakfast, we do a bit of tidying up around the house, before showering and getting ready for the day. OOTD is blue jeans, a black long sleeve Henley top and my white sneakers.
12:30pm — J. and I head to our local Westfield to do some shopping. I've been putting off buying any clothes while I was in wedding mode, but as my new office is a bit more formal than my old one, I really need to get some new winter-appropriate workwear.   
We take full advantage of the Myer sale and buy a new frying pan (J. pays). I also get two new sports bras and a beige long-sleeve top ($116.90). I also buy some cosmetics from Mecca ($52), some anti-histamines ($26.59), nail polish ($12.95) and a green turtleneck from Portmans ($63.96 on sale!). $272.40
2:00pm — We're starving and ready to head home. I want to get sushi for lunch but remember I have food at home so I resist. Once home, we warm up some leftover laksa for lunch, another HelloFresh recipe. Does anyone else reckon the HelloFresh serving sizes are huge?!
3:00pm — I start getting ready as I'm heading out for drinks and dinner for a friend's birthday. My friend, A., comes to my house first as she lives close by and J. drives us into the city.
4:30pm — We get to a new-ish bar, The Beaufort, for drinks. The place is absolutely packed but luckily the birthday girl has already secured us a table. I buy a bottle of prosecco for our first round. $54
7:00pm — After two more bottles of prosecco and lots of gossip, we meet some other friends for dinner at an Indian restaurant. We order some naan, rice, pappadums and a few curries along with another bottle of prosecco. The food takes a while to come out, but we get a free order of pappadums to make up for it. The food is all delish and we roll out of there very satisfied, splitting the bill five ways. $37.76
9:30pm — I message J. to pick me and A. up, but I know he'll be a while so we line up to go to The Queens while we wait. This place is packed as well and the line is not moving, so we give up and all part ways. J. picks us up and drops A. off at her house on the way home.
10:00pm — We get home just in time to see that Australia made the top ten in the Eurovision semis! Woo!
Daily Total: $368.96

Day 3

2:00am — I'm not sure why, but I'm suddenly wide awake. I blame the prosecco. 
6:30am — My alarm goes off. I sleepily wonder if I forgot to turn off my work alarm but then I remember I booked a 7am Pilates class. I consider not going for a second before remembering how much the classes cost. Ugh. C. and J. are left snoozing in bed while I head out into the cold morning.
7:05am — I get to the class five minutes late but have only missed half the warmup, so I quietly slip in. I'm not sure if Indian food, prosecco, and Pilates are the best mix, but I still get a good workout. in I normally buy packs of 10 or 20 Pilates classes and tend to go once or twice a week. I bought a 10-pack about two weeks ago which will last me a few months.
8:00am — Class is over and I remember that we have no milk at home. I duck into IGA and grab a small carton of milk and a loaf of bread ($7.48). Sheesh, these IGA prices are killer! $7.48
8:30am — I get home and make myself peanut butter toast and instant coffee for breakfast. I start getting ready to head out again — shower, then skincare, tinted moisturiser, mascara, and brow soap. I get dressed and then brush and straighten my hair with some dry shampoo as it's a bit manky from Pilates. OOTD is black skinny jeans, grey v-neck jumper, and my trusty white sneakers. 
9:15am — My friend, S., invited me to join her this morning for a vintage market event. I listen to Spotify's Daily Mix playlist on the drive there, and they nailed it. So much so, that I get a bit lost as I'm singing along rather than listening to where Google Maps is telling me to go. Whoops!
9:55am — This event is so much busier than I thought it would be and it's a bit crazy trying to find parking. I join S. in line and we're soon inside. I'm not looking to buy anything in particular, but S. is on the hunt for a checkered blazer.
10:30am — This market is massive! There's so much great stuff, but unfortunately, no checkered blazers. We buy some cute homewares, though — S. gets a cute yellow glass cup and saucer set, and I buy a pink vase — perfect for housing some of my dried native flowers from my wedding! The girl running the stall has issues with her card machine, so I pay for both of our purchases with cash. $35
11:00am — We head to Little Donkey Corner to grab brunch. I follow this café on Instagram and have wanted to try it out for a while, but I'm just never in this part of Perth. This place is pretty busy, so we get the only available table and decide what to order. I choose Turkish eggs with feta and an oat milk cappuccino. S. gets corn fritters with halloumi and an almond milk matcha latte. S. buys my food and coffee to pay me back from this morning.
12:30pm — After brunch, I head home via Target. I want to find some shoes for work as my normal flats just won't cut it in the city once it starts getting wetter! I don't find any shoes, but I find a cream v-neck jumper ($35) and see some jeans on sale in Just Jeans ($59). $94
1:30pm — Once I get home, I put on a load of washing and try on all my clothing purchases from the weekend. I decide that I don't love the top from Portmans, so I set it aside to return this week. I'm happy with my other clothing purchases, so I cut off the tags and add them to the washing basket. I also put some of my wedding flowers in my new vase and am so pleased with how it looks that I display it on my bookcase.
2:30pm — I sit down at my computer to do some writing. I was assigned two SEO blogs this week from my freelance agency so I get started on those while listening to Spotify. I also do two more loads of laundry.
5:00pm — J. and I take C. out for a walk to the dog park as she is barking her head off in the backyard, plus I need to get some steps in for my 50k challenge. During our walk to the dog park, we fall prey to the siren song of the fish and chip shop. Yes, we have food at home. No, I don't care. I pop in and order for us to pick up on our way back, and shout J. ($31.50). We head to the dog park and do a few laps, but sadly there are no other dogs there. We walk back home, picking up the fish and chips on the way. They smell amazing! We get home and eat our fish and chips in front of the new Star Trek: Picard episode. $31.50
8:00pm — Time to do my Sunday night sheet mask and get ready for bed. We watch the last episode of Star Trek: Picard and a bit of the Eurovision finale in bed, but I already found out that Ukraine won so I don't watch till the end.
9:30pm — Ugh, feeling sick from fish and chips. Never again! We hear the delivery man pull up with our Marley Spoon delivery for the week so we grab it and put it away in the fridge. I have been switching between HelloFresh and Marley Spoon to take advantage of the 'come back customer' offers they keep sending me. 
10:00pm — Goodnight!
Daily Total: $167.98

Day 4

3:00am — Again with the waking up! Zzz...
6:00am — My alarm goes off for work. I only snooze for five minutes this time. An improvement!
6:05am — My alarm goes off again and I get up. I head downstairs and make peanut butter toast and instant coffee. I put toast on for J., but it'll inevitably get cold before he gets out of bed. Oh well, he was warned. 
6:30am — Shower, skincare and light makeup (tinted moisturiser, mascara, cream blush, concealer, brows). OOTD is the cream v-neck jumper I got from Target yesterday, black work pants (with actual pockets!), black blazer and ankle boots. I really need to get some proper work shoes as these are my favourite boots and I don't want to ruin them!
7:30am — We get in the car for work. J. is dropping me off in the city today as he wants to borrow my car. This is fine as I'll get to work at the same time but don't have to put up with school kids on the train.
8:20am — I get a reminder to pay for our couple's PT session. This is normally $90 per session for both of us, but J. couldn't make it last week as he was stuck at work, so I only pay $70 this time. $70
11:00am — I've had a couple of meetings this morning but nothing too stressful. My poor manager has Covid so they're working from home all week. Most of my work at the moment is getting our new Intranet ready for the go-live date at the end of the month.
12:00pm — Today I'm getting lunch with C., my old manager from the job I just left. I'm excited to catch up with her to give her all the gossip about the company closing and my wedding. She also just got the keys to her new house so I get to see photos. We go to a café near work (our new offices are next door) and I get a chicken quesadilla ($11.50). I have such a great time catching up that I lose track of time and have to hurry to get back to work. On the way back, I duck into the convenience store to grab a small can of Diet Coke and a small packet of almonds ($4.90). I need a salty snack for this afternoon as I'm donating blood, and I need the Diet Coke because... I just need it, okay?! $16.40
3:30pm — I eat my almonds. Ew. These are natural ones, not roasted like I thought I'd bought. I literally shove them down as I hate wasting food (and money!).
4:00pm — I finish work and make the 15-minute walk to the blood donation centre. I find out that today is my 10th donation, so I'm rewarded with a cute little pin! Friendly PSA — blood banks are struggling with supply at the moment so if you can donate, please do! You get free snacks!
5:30pm — I'm finish donating blood and eating my free snacks which included chocolate milk. Score! Once I've eaten and am sure I'm feeling ok, I head down to the train station to go home. I tap on using my Smartrider. I have hooked it up to my bank account so it tops up with $40 when my balance gets low. It topped up last week, so it should be fine for a while. 
My mum and dad call me for a quick chat while I wait for my train, which is so weird as I was just thinking about calling them! Once I'm on the train, I message J. to see if he can pick me up from the train station as I don't want to catch the bus in the dark.
6:00pm — J. picks me up from the train station and C. is in the front seat! She is so happy to see me. 
6:15pm — We get home and start cooking dinner. It's our last HelloFresh meal from last week's box — beef koftas and couscous. Yum!
7:00pm — We sit down in front of the TV to eat dinner and watch House Hunters. I'm obsessed with this show. Is this what happens when you get old?!
8:30pm — I'm feeling so sleepy after donating blood so I to go to bed early. J. cleans up the dishes from dinner and feeds C.
Daily Total: $86.40

Day 5

6:30am — Ugh, alarm! I hit snooze. At least I slept through the night this time. I'm working from home today, so I can sleep in a bit. Because of Covid, work has given us the option to WFH two days per week if we want. My manager opts to WFH on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I've followed her lead. May as well take advantage until management changes the rules!
7:00am — Time to get up. J. needs me to move my car as I'm parked behind him and his car is being towed to the mechanic today. He'll get a ride with the tow truck as his mechanic is next door to his work.
7:30am — I have some breakfast — peanut butter toast with instant coffee. I have sore gums this morning so I'm eating on my left side. My jaw has been sore recently — I hope this isn't my third (and final) wisdom tooth finally making an appearance! My arm is a little sore this morning from the needle as well, so I'm moving pretty slowly today. Bloody hell, I'm a wreck. 
8:00am — I quickly get ready to start work. Shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and apply some moisturiser. My hair is pretty gross and greasy but I'm planning to go to the gym with J. this afternoon so I can't be bothered washing it. Ponytail it is. Love that I can live my best slob life when I work from home. OOTD is gym leggings, a long sleeve shirt, and slippers as my feet are cold. It's actually pretty nice and sunny today but my house is forever freezing and I refuse to put the heater on when I can just wear warmer clothes. 
8:30am — I feed C. and notice we are out of her favourite wet food. We're planning to grab some groceries after the gym tonight, so I guess she'll have to deal with her dry food this morning.
10:00am — I hear C. crying at the door so I go to let her in. Nope, turns out she just wants to play. She really doesn't understand the 'work' part of WFH. I play with her for about 10 minutes and notice the kids next door have kicked their soccer ball over the fence at some point. I kick it back over and hear a thank you from their dad. I wasn't expecting anyone to be home so awkwardly stutter back, "uh no problem!" It's probably the most human interaction I'll have today. I head back inside to continue working, much to C.'s dismay. I'm mainly doing updates to the intranet and a bit of copywriting. 
12:00pm — Lunchtime. I scrounge around in the freezer to find something, but there's nothing I want in there. I remember I got some miso ramen vegetable broth powder in a wellness box a while ago, so I try that. I add some noodles and nori I have in the pantry. It's pretty bland, but I add a dash of soy sauce and some chilli paste and it tastes a bit better. It's not going to win me a MasterChef title but at least it's warm. To help fill me up, I also have an apple with some peanut butter. House Hunters is on TV again so I watch that while I eat. Back to work.
4:00pm — I finish work and do a bit of personal admin cleaning up my emails. I realise I haven't paid my annual car insurance policy yet! Whoops! There goes $580.66 (covered in my monthly expenses) down the drain.
5:30pm — I lose track of time and it's starting to get a bit dark, so I take C. for a quick walk around the block. Remember how I said I was going to the gym today? Nah, that's not going to happen. 
6:30pm — I call J. to see how far away he is and get started with dinner. Dinner tonight is Marley Spoon salmon with curried cabbage and kale. Sounds weird, but it's super tasty! We also have some choc-chip ice cream with Ice Magic on top because we are five years old, apparently.
7:30pm — I watch some TV then head to bed as I'm tired. Do my skincare and brush my teeth. J. feeds C. and then does some work he needs to catch up on.
9:30pm — Bed.
Daily Total: $0

Day 6

6:00am — My alarm goes off and I snooze for five minutes.
6:05am — Okay, I'm up. I hear J. downstairs taking the bins out. I make us toast and myself an instant coffee. I'm down to the nubs of the toast and I burn my finger trying to get a small bit out of the toaster, ouch!
6:30am — Get ready for work, shower, skincare, and light makeup. Since I didn't wash my hair last night, it's looking particularly disgusting and greasy. I decide to go for that snatched bun hairstyle to take advantage of the greasiness. To my surprise, it doesn't look half bad. OOTD is the same as Monday, except I rock an olive mock turtleneck instead. Of course, I pretty much ruin my hair and makeup trying to get my shirt on. 
7:20am — J. and I get in the car and drive to the train station. J. realises he left his wallet behind. Ugh. I give him my spare bank card so he can pay for his train ticket ($4.90). He also needs to pay for his car repair today so he says he will transfer money into my account as I don't think I'll have enough in there to cover it. While checking my bank account I see that my payment for Marley Spoon for next week has come out ($87.92). $92.82
10:30am — I get a text that a package I've been waiting for has been delivered. Yay!
12:45pm — I've been hungry for a while but it's been raining. It finally clears up enough for me to duck out and grab some sushi ($7.80). I eat while watching Instagram Reels before heading back to the office. $7.80
4:30pm — Get stuck in a meeting but finally finished with work. I head home on the train.  
5:00pm — I get to the train station and drive home. Once home, I see that I've had a package delivered — some jewellery I ordered last week. I love it!
5:30pm — I quickly get changed and drive to the gym for a spin class. I had planned to get some time in on the treadmill, but the class wiped me out.
6:30pm — I get home and start cooking dinner — Tonkatsu beef from Marley Spoon. It's so yum and easy. J. gets home late and tells me that his car is still at the mechanics. Ugh.
7:30pm — We flick between Masterchef and Gruen Nation while we eat dinner and of course, ice cream with Ice Magic for dessert. Really making up for all the dessert we didn't eat before the wedding!
9:00pm — Time to go to bed.  
10:00pm — Okay, I might have lied. I end up watching Instagram Reels for over an hour before I do my skincare and brush my teeth.
10:30pm — Bed (for real this time!).
Daily Total: $100.62

Day 7

6:30pm — Alarm, snooze. SSDD.
7:00am — I'm up. I'm WFH again today so C. gets to stay in bed. I kiss J. goodbye and make myself some cereal and instant coffee. I really need to go food shopping. I have a shower, do my skincare, and get dressed. OOTD is leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
8:00am — I put on the dishwasher and start work. C. finally gets out of bed so I let her outside and give her breakfast.
11:30am — I check my bank app and see an Uber charge came through yesterday ($23.08). I panic and go through my Uber account to see if I've been hacked. Then I remember J. Ubered home yesterday and he had my card on his account from when his card got hacked a few months ago. Hmm, he should really update that! $23.08
12:00pm — I head to the shops to get some essentials. I buy bananas, bread, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, avocados, toilet paper, dog food, and a few pre-made meals for when I'm WFH ($78.62). This seems super expensive to me, but there were a few items out of stock that I had to buy the expensive version of. $78.62
12:30pm — I have one of the premade meals for lunch — mushroom tortellini. Lazy? Yes. Delicious? Also yes.
2:30pm — I put on some washing and empty the dishwasher. I catch C. digging in the backyard and take a video to send to J. Cheeky girl!
4:00pm — I finish work and do a little bit of copywriting. I have another coffee and hang out my washing.
5:00pm — I take C. for a walk around the block to get some sniffs. J. comes home and C. is off her tits with excitement. When she does zoomies, she makes these little piggy grunts. They're the funniest and cutest noises ever. We all play chasey in the front yard before C. and I continue with our walk.
5:30pm — We get home then J. and I get ready for the gym and prepare to have our butts kicked by our PT.
7:00pm — We are tired and sweaty. We thank our PT, book our next session and drive home. On the way, J. reminds me that the petrol prices are supposed to go up again so we stop for fuel on the way. $66.67
7:30pm — We get home and I start cooking another Marley Spoon special — Mexican chicken and sweet potato bowls. It's pretty yum, but there's a bit too much red onion. I set aside a portion to take for lunch tomorrow.
8:30pm — I shower and wash my hair. I do my skincare routine then blow-dry and straighten my hair, ready for work tomorrow. Then it's finally bedtime! I'm exhausted.
Daily Total: $168.37
Money Diaries are meant to reflect an individual's experience and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behaviour.
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