Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Confirm your dinner reservations, download the Rumi poems. St. Valentine's arrival is imminent as we prepare to chow on Godivas and conversation hearts this Tuesday, February 14. Whether you historically love or loathe the Hallmark holiday, there's no escaping Cupid's arrows this year. With the moon in hopelessly romantic Libra this V-Day, we'll all feel the pull towards partnership. But not at the expense of our independent expression! Cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars are sharing a flight path through Aries, encouraging solo stardom along with the dynamic duos. Standing strong on your own two statement sneakers is a savvy seduction strategy — not to mention a wise life choice. Single or spoken for, the thrill-seeking energy of Venus and Mars in Aries ups the ante on everyone's V-Day game. Be open to spontaneous adventures, even if that means ducking out of a show before intermission to get frisky in a secret annex by the bar. Renegade plans are also astrologically endorsed. If your friends are primarily unattached, thumb your noses at convention with an anti-Valentine's Day party.
On Saturday, the sun changes costumes, trading Aquarius' funky denim for Pisces' floaty sheers and publicly-approved PJs. Power down during this sleepy solar cycle, which lasts until March 19. Enchanting Pisces rules the dream realm and some quiet time with the muse can inspire some Alexander McQueen-level creativity. (No surprise the late designer was born under this imaginative sign.) A meditation or journaling practice can help you tune in to those deep and beautiful visions. Keep your dancing shoes handy! Nocturnal Pisces rules the feet and after a refreshing post-work disco nap, it's off to the club you go.

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