OK, even though we hate to admit it, we've left various articles of clothing all over this fair city of ours. In taxi's, at friends' houses, at strangers' apartments...you get the picture. But in our case, it has always been on accident. Thomas Voorn, a Dutch renaissance man working as a designer, artist, stylist and consultant (whatever that means), is leaving clothes behind as well, but with a purpose. His newest work, Garment Graffiti, follows his adventures across city and country as he set up installations of clothing masquerading as quirky phrases. The shots we found were nothing short of whimsical. Whether it be vibrant T-shirts hanging from the wall of a dull industrial building or clean white linens resting in a green field, Voorn's work is silly, beautiful and thought provoking. All this being said and done, we still miss that cardigan we left on the A train last winter.

Go to www.thomasvoorn.com.