The Ultimate Stoner’s Guide To S.F.

In case you weren’t aware, today is something of a national holiday — 4/20 is the official day dedicated to all things cannabis, and it all started right here in the Bay in 1971. A group of five friends at San Rafael High School coined the term in honor of their daily 4:20 p.m. smoke session near a wall outside the school. 
“San Francisco has become a hub for world-class cannabis in the same way the city is a meeting place and a destination for top-flight food, wine, and technology. It's happening here,” Chris Roberts, marijuana industry reporter for SF Weekly and the San Francisco Examiner, tells us. April 20 isn't just a celebration for stoners in S.F. — it's a chance for weed enthusiasts all over the world to celebrate the singular herb. 
To help fete this special day, we’ve rounded up the best of the best in dispensaries, munchie haunts, and apps in the slideshow ahead. One look at this list, and you'll want to puff-puff pass this information on.
Marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.