Whether or not stylists make good Editor in Chiefs is a question that really requires more thought to be answered, but it seems that ex-stylist-EIC queen Carine Roitfeld's practices were not very well received. Her BFF relationship with Tom Ford led to the creation of the Tom Ford-edited December Vogue Paris, an issue that apparently infuriated advertisers, peer magazines, and Vogue higher-ups. Cathy Horyn reports that the Tom Ford issue was the last straw for Vogue Paris (they also didn't appreciate Carine's frequent absence), and led to Carine's subsequent resignation. Horyn also reports that Carine and her successor Emmanuelle Alt do not speak anymore, and that despite Alt's stylist background, she has the vision and fashion editor background to carry French Vogue into the future. Alt has also given up on her outside styling jobs including Balmain and Isabel Marant. (NYT)