Super Exclusive Costume Sketches From Jane Campion’s Latest Movie, Bright Star


We're suckers for a good period romance: Find us a love story rife with old-school sexual tension, a lead man sporting a moptop and sideburns, and some great gowns filthy with opulence, and we'll show you a few people who are up to go see a movie! Jane Campion's latest flick,
Bright Star
, chronicles the 3-year romance between 19th century poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne and is up on the tippy top of our must-see list. We just received these exclusive sketches of their costume designs by industry-giant Janet Patterson. Word is that they're a big contender for an Oscar, and we can totally see why as these sherbet-colored concoctions are a far cry from the drab tones we usually think the 19th century was filled with. Now excuse us while we grab our Kleenexes and await the DVD release date on the 26th.


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