Okay, not to get Puritanical here, but apparently we live in a world where we are applauding young starlets for finally wearing underwear. Given the amount of panty flashes and nipple slips we're subjected to on our daily blog crawls, a little short-shorts isn't too bad, right? So when Mrs. Justin Bieber (wait, he's totally Mr. Selena Gomez) tooled around Miami whilst filming her new movie Spring Breakers (which, with James Franco co-starring, is sadly not a sequel to Monte Carlo), she let her low-riders ride, well, low. To be honest, we don't know a gal who hasn't worried this is how they look when they leave the house in too-short cut-offs, with or without the sculpted bum of Selena Gomez. Is this the PG-13 nip-slip? Let us know how short is too short! (The Superficial)