A Comfortable Bikini
I wear a Faherty Brand bikini — the fit is incredible. I don’t have to worry about flashing the locals if I fall in, and I’m busy paddling, so tugging at my suit bottom is not an option.
A Rashguard or "Rashy"
A rashy is a shirt, usually made from swimsuit material, that has built-in SPF (usually around 50). Surfers wear them to decrease their sun exposure, so you’ll look legit. You’ll be able to paddle longer because the sun won’t wear you out as fast, plus you won’t have to worry about sunburn on your arms, chest, and back. Read: less cleavage wrinkles. J.Crew makes really cute rashies — I especially love the ones made from Liberty prints. When you aren’t paddleboarding, your rashy is perfect for any time you’re in the sun, or if you want to cover up by the pool without the wet T-shirt effect.
Sunscreen, Duh!
I use Neutrogena spray on my legs (the rest of me is covered by my rashy!). It’s easy to apply and doesn’t make me break out. On my face I use Peter Thomas Roth Max Sheer All Day Moisture Defense Lotion. Long name, excellent coverage.
One word: glare.