Your March Horoscope Is Here — & It’s Set To Be A Rollercoaster

Eclipse season starts this month, cosmic beings. This means life is changing as we know it, and all we can do is buckle up and get ready for the ride. The month starts off on a relatively mellow note, as Pisces Season keeps going strong, encouraging all zodiac signs to slow down, self-reflect, daydream, and connect deeply with their intuition. 
Mercury, the Planet of Communication, enters Aries on March 9 — where it will remain until May 15 (due to Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 1). Then on the 10th we experience the Pisces new moon, which opens up a six-month portal of divine inspiration and spiritual rejuvenation. The cosmos is infused with more Piscean energy with Venus entering Pisces (where it feels at ease) on the 11th, and Mars following suit on the 22nd. This month is a creatively fertile period, so do your best to let your imagination run the show while finding ways to remain grounded in the process. 
The astrological new year begins on March 19 at 11:06 p.m. EST, with the sun’s entrance into Aries. This is a period of renewal for all zodiac signs, encouraging us to be bolder in the pursuit of our objectives. Then on the 25th, the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra revolutionizes the way we approach love, relationships, and the idea of social justice. Prepare for these areas of our lives to be shaken up, on a personal and collective level. 
Read your horoscopes for both your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising

Your birthday season begins this month, Aries — but before we get there, the first 18 days of the month are your annual hibernation season, as the sun continues to travel through Pisces, activating your sector of healing, closure, and spirituality. During this time, you’ll be getting more deeply in tune with your subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires. Allow yourself to explore your more sensitive nature without running away from what you find. 
Mercury’s entrance into your sign on the 9th helps you have greater clarity and confidence when it comes to self-expression, and the Pisces new moon on the 10th is the ideal time to set intentions for how you’d like to heal inside and out over the course of these next six months. 
Once the sun shifts into your sign on the 19th, the astrological new year begins, making the next four weeks an opportune time to take leaps of faith in the direction of your boldest dreams. No planets are retrograde this month, and with the Libra lunar eclipse occurring on the 25th in your partnership sector, chances are that you’ll manifest the right people to help you reach your objectives — while also clearing out the wrong people from your life.

Taurus Sun & Rising

Welcome to March, Taurus! You’ll feel at ease during the first three weeks of the month, as the Pisces sun continues to harmonize with your Taurus nature, as well as with Jupiter’s transit through Taurus. This is definitely your manifestation season — allow yourself to vividly daydream about what you want to magnetize into your life, particularly between March 10 and 20, when the Pisces new moon’s energy will be most potent. 
Your planetary ruler Venus enters Pisces on the 11th, and Venus feels great in Pisces, so you’re likely to be shining more than usual over the course of the next month. This energy will lead to your sensual and emotional side taking over. Flirt and be flirted with, without reservation. You’ll also be open to making new friends during this period. 
Once the astro new year begins on the 19th, your energy becomes more introspective, as your sector of healing and closure is activated. Then on the 25th, the Libra lunar eclipse activates your area of health and wellness, which could lead to a major wake-up call. Schedule medical check-ups around this time, or evaluate what changes are necessary in your daily routine to ensure that you’re feeling strong, inside and out. 

Gemini Sun & Rising

Gemini, this month your planetary ruler Mercury shifts out of Pisces on the 9th and enters Aries, where it will remain until mid May. This harmonizes well with your airy nature, and it activates your sector of friendship and technology. If you’ve been meaning to rebrand yourself or revamp your online profiles, you have the green light to do so. You’re also likely to meet new people or expand your social circle during this lengthy transit. 
Meanwhile, the energy of Pisces Season activates your sector of career, so use the Pisces New Moon portal from March 10 to 20 to set intentions regarding ways to feel more emotionally stimulated and inspired by the work that you do. If you feel bored or disconnected from your job, this may be the time to start looking into new options. By the time Jupiter enters your sign in mid May, you may be on the path to living your best life. 
The month ends with a powerful lunar eclipse in Libra on the 25th, which activates your sector of fun, fate, and true love. Whether you’re looking for love or not, love will be looking for you. This also means being honest about ways toxicity may exist in your current relationship dynamics. This lunar eclipse will purge unhealthy energy from your life, including the energy that may unconsciously be coming from you. Breathe through the growing pains and trust the release process. 

Cancer Sun & Rising

Cancer, doors of opportunity continue to open up for you this month. It’s up to you to be brave enough to walk through them. During the first three weeks of March, your sector of expansion and long journeys is activated, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and dream bigger. 
Last month’s Virgo full moon revealed ways that you may have kept yourself small, intentionally or unintentionally. Use the Pisces new moon portal from March 10 to March 20 to set clear intentions regarding where you see yourself in six months. If you’ve been wanting to travel or start a new course of study, this is an opportune time to begin that journey. 
Once Aries Season begins on the 19th, your sector of career is activated. You may feel ready to ask for a raise or promotion, or to launch or scale your own entrepreneurial venture. Just pace yourself in the process, Cancer, as eclipse season begins this month, with the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra striking on the 25th, in your sector of home and roots. Since you’re ruled by the Moon, you may feel destabilized by this eclipse, so give yourself plenty of time to rest, hydrate, and integrate cosmic lessons at the end of March. 

Leo Sun & Rising

Leo, this month you’ll be reflecting on ways to show up in a more emotionally transparent way, even if it initially feels awkward for you to do. Pisces Season continues to highlight ways that you may be overprotecting yourself rather than leaning into your intuitive awareness and letting down your guard. Use the Pisces new moon portal from the 10 to the 20 to set intentions that allow you to trust in the best case scenario and lean into softness and sensitivity. The Universe has your back and all is already well. 
Once Aries Season begins on the 19th, you’ll feel activated by your luminary ruler — the sun — being in a fellow fire sign. The start of the astrological new year activates your sector of expansion and long journeys, making this an ideal time to plan a long distance trip, enroll in a new course of study, publish your work in the media, and spread your wings in whatever way your heart desires. Then on the 25th, the Libra lunar eclipse activates your sector of communication and creativity. A project you’ve been working on these past six months may be ready to be revealed. Celebrate yourself! 

Virgo Sun & Rising

Virgo, this month Pisces Season continues to help you lean into love and intimacy. Your sector of marriage and partnership is lit up by the sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Neptune all spending time in Pisces. On the 9th, your planetary ruler Mercury enters Aries for an extended transit, shifting your attention to ways to invest in yourself through building generational wealth. Use this transit to brainstorm or initiate ways to generate passive income and/or multiple streams of income. Be bold and strategic in your approach, using the Pisces new moon on the 10th to intuitively assess ways to pivot your current priorities and make sure you’re maximizing the use of your time. 
Once Aries Season begins on the 19th, you’ll feel even more inspired to take leaps of faith when it comes to wealth building, which could lead to you looking into mentorship programs or studying ways some of your most influential figures have built their own empires. Once the Libra lunar eclipse strikes on the 25th in your sector of money and self-esteem, you’ll feel ready to face whatever unexpected challenges or plot twists come your way, because you’ve done the work to remember that your worth is more than just monetary. You are the essence of wealth itself, Virgo. Always remember that. 

Libra Sun & Rising

This is a major month for you, Libra, as we’re experiencing the first eclipse of the year in your sign, on the 25th. You’ll feel the effects of this lunation loading all month long, but before it strikes you’re advised to use the rest of Pisces Season to organize and structure your life, in alignment with your deepest values. 
Eclipses are unpredictable in nature — particularly lunar eclipses such as the one occurring this month — so instead of trying to plan and prepare for the eclipse, it’s best to strategize ways to simplify your lifestyle and clear out the dead weight, so that you can allow the airy vibes of eclipse season to purify you as needed. Use the Pisces new moon portal from March 10 to March 20 to visualize yourself feeling light-hearted, joyful, and free. What steps are needed for you to consistently achieve that lifestyle, Libra? Plant those seeds and begin that journey. 
Aries Season begins on the 19th, and the astrological new year will help you fine-tune the relationships that you maintain in your life. Your sector of marriage and partnership will be activated by the sun and Mercury both being in Aries — as well as Chiron, the asteroid of inner wounds. Figure out what mistakes you once made or tolerated in matters of the heart, and make a vow to learn from them and transcend them this month. By the time your lunar eclipse strikes on the 25th, you’ll feel, look, and act like a completely new being. You’ve risen from your ashes, Libra. Now it’s time for you to soar. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising

Scorpio, the month of March will be emotionally regenerative for you, and creatively inspiring as well. During the first 19 days of the month, several Pisces placements continue to stimulate your sector of creativity, fate, and true love. You may feel like you’re living a fairy tale — one where your life gets increasingly better, and your visions become even more pronounced each day. 
This is especially the case from March 10 to March 20, when the Pisces new moon’s energy will feel auspicious and will help catalyze you to new heights as an artist and lover. Your main mission is to not assume this is too good to be true — the Universe wants to reward you, so accept these blessings. 
Once the astrological new year begins on the 19th with the start of Aries Season, you’ll be in the mood to boss up when it comes to your daily routines and your health journey. If you’ve felt a bit lazy or lethargic during Pisces Season, the sun and Mercury’s presence in Aries will help you refresh and restructure your habits so that wellness is at the center of your consciousness. Doing so will be helpful by the time the Libra full moon eclipse strikes in your spirituality and healing sector on the 25th. This eclipse will be emotionally potent and spiritually amplifying, and you’ll need all the rest and strength you can get. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising

Sag, the month of March encourages you to slow down and ground yourself, especially during the first 19 days when the sun continues to travel through Pisces. Do your best to avoid multitasking and instead focus on being present with nature, your family, and your loved ones. The Pisces New Moon on the 10th provides you with an ideal period to unpack and heal family trauma or break generational curses, with the spirit of love at the center of whatever new moon intentions you set. 
With your planetary ruler Jupiter spending another two months in the grounded sign of Taurus, you’re being asked to be as connected to your roots as possible, which means not numbing your feelings, but bravely facing them head on. 
Life lightens up considerably on the 19th when the sun enters Aries and kicks off the astrological new year. Having the sun in a fellow fire sign ignites you with dynamic and ambitious energy, and since this occurs in your sector of fate, true love, and creativity, you’ll be in the mood to flirt, dance, laugh, go on dates, and experience adventure after adventure. Then on the 25th, the Libra lunar eclipse activates your friendship sector, which could lead to a dramatic and necessary shift occurring in this realm of your life. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising

Welcome to March, Capricorn. This month, Pisces Season continues to light up your sector of communication and creativity. If you’ve been meaning to start a new artistic hobby, use the Pisces new moon portal from March 10 to 20 to initiate this process, as your inner child will be leaping with joy and encouraging you every step of the way. Saturn, your planetary ruler, is currently in Pisces until 2026, so as much as you may think being practical is your strong point, this season will teach you how much sensitivity is your real superpower. 
Aries Season begins on the 19th, and the sun’s transit through Aries will initially create tension with your Capricorn nature. But this tension will push you to address any lingering family drama that may be creating blockages or resentment in your consciousness. It’s also eclipse season, and the lunar eclipse full moon in Libra on the 25th activates your career sector, which could lead to you revolutionizing the way you approach work, most likely through creating greater balance and freedom in that aspect of your life. Bye bye to workaholism, hello to feeling professionally liberated. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising

Money continues to be on your mind as the month of March begins, Aquarius. But this is in a more ethereal way rather than a tangible way, if that makes sense. The sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Neptune all spend time traveling through this sector of your chart at one point this month, and this Pisces stellium is teaching you to allow material and financial rewards to naturally flow to you through the path of least resistance. Think about ways to attract greater wealth through simplifying the work you do. This isn’t the time to add more to your plate, but rather clear your plate of the non-essentials so that you can give more attention to what will maximize your returns. Use the Pisces new moon on the 10th to do a money ritual or visualization exercise. 
Aries Season begins on the 19th, and the start of the astrological new year activates your sector of communication and creativity. If you’ve been wanting to launch a marketing campaign or pitch a proposal, you have the green light to do so, as Mercury and the sun’s presence in Aries amplifies your self-confidence, vision, and drive. 
Then on the 25th, the Libra lunar eclipse strikes in your sector of expansion and long journeys. You’ll feel ready to spread your wings and step out of your comfort zone by month’s end, perhaps through taking a literal or metaphorical trip. Trust your instincts and go. 

Pisces Sun & Rising

Keep living your absolute best life, Pisces! This month the sun continues its journey through your sign up until March 19, helping you see yourself in a warmer and more compassionate light. This is especially the case on the 10th, when your annual new moon strikes. Take time between the 10th and 20th to set clear intentions regarding the direction you’d like to go these next six months. 
With Saturn currently in your sign until 2026, the universe is definitely paying attention to what you’re speaking, writing, and wishing into existence. Once Venus enters your sign on the 11th, your powers of magnetism and attraction deepen significantly, and you may feel romantically and creatively fulfilled under this transit, making it an ideal time to put both your art and your heart out there. 
Once the astrological new year begins on the 19th, you’ll be in the mood to refresh your style, your mindset, and your finances. Mars enters your sign on the 22nd, encouraging you to find a balance between being assertive and remaining spiritually attuned to the wisdom of your subconscious mind. It may not be time to immediately forge ahead with huge risks, but rather take a more mellow approach to getting what you want, perhaps through vividly dreaming about it before initiating the necessary steps. 
Once the Libra lunar eclipse strikes on the 25th, your sector of depth, intimacy and merging is activated, meaning that you may have to sever ties with emotionally draining or manipulative habits, people, or environments in order to truly soar. 

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