Fiona Apple, Blake Mills, The Bowery Ballroom, March 26, $40
It’s been five long years since Fiona Apple last played New York City, but now the elusive chanteuse is back for her second NYC date on her short East Coast tour. If tonight’s show is anything like last weekend’s Music Hall of Williamsburg performance, it might just change your life.
Monday, March 26, 7:30 p.m. Bowery Ballroom, 6 Delancey Street (between Bowery and Chrystie); 212-533-2111.
Cloud Nothings, March 28, Glasslands, $12
With the release of Dylan Baldi’s newest album, Attack On Memory, the Cleveland power pop wunderkind known as Cloud Nothings traded in lo-fi punk hooks for searing ‘90s guitar. Descriptions of recent Cloud Nothings shows range from “awesome” to “really, really loud.” Ear plugs recommended for this one.
Wednesday, March 28, 8:30 p.m. Glasslands, 289 Kent Ave (between South 1st and South 2nd streets), Brooklyn; 718-599-1450.
Wolf + Lamb, Soul Clap, March 31, Music Hall of Williamsburg, $30
Zev "Wolf" Eisenberg and Gadi "Lamb" Mizrahi are much more than a DJ duo. Over the past few years their label has released music by electronic artists ranging from Soul Clap to Nicolas Jaar, and their parties have become some of the best dance events in New York City. If you’re looking to boogie this weekend, The Music Hall of Williamsburg is the place to be.
Saturday, March 31, 10 p.m. Music Hall of Williamsburg, 66 North 6th Street (between Kent and Wythe avenues); Brooklyn; 718-486-5400.
Up for more? Here are some bonus shows:
Photo: Via The Bowery Ballroom; Via Cloud Nothings; Via Music Hall of Williamsburg