How Often Should You Really Shower?

Photographed by Gunnar Larson.
Showers: You either love 'em or kinda hate 'em (I fall into the latter category; judge if you will). They become more of a necessity during the summer months, for obvious reasons. But, in the winter, they can be torturous. After a steaming soak, stepping back out into a freezing-cold apartment is about as fun as a bikini wax. If you don't jump for joy at the idea of everyday showers, we've got some good news for you: According to BuzzFeed (and science), Americans are lathering up way more than we need to.
That "body odor" you think you smell? Joshua Zeichner, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, told BuzzFeed it's "more of a cultural phenomenon." As a society, we tend to over-bathe because, well, that's what we've been socially conditioned to do.
It turns out showering as frequently as most of us typically do may do more harm than good. "Showering too often (particularly in hot water) can dry out and irritate skin, wash away the good bacteria that naturally exists on your skin, and introduce small cracks that put you at a higher risk of infection," says the BuzzFeed article, which is based on interviews with two dermatologists.
Now, before you go crazy and quit washing yourself altogether (hygiene!), just realize that it's not necessary to do it all the damn time. Taking one every two to three days should suffice.
We want to know what you think. Will you cut down on your shower time, or are you all, "Ew, no, never?" (BuzzFeed)

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