There's nothing like a photo of a supe' stumbling in six-inch stilettos to get you going in the morning. But, do we feel cheated when the photos of models falling are staged? Personally, we were excited to see the less-than-genuine photo-op with Karlie Kloss on the January cover of Vogue Italia, though the fact that we've seen it before—one year prior and from a vantage point 180 degrees around—in L'Officiel Singapore's model-falling editorial gives us some rather suspect feelings. The January issue features the second collage-based Vogue Italia in a row (the Twitpic December cover was first), which begs the question: Has Vogue Italia found a good thing that works? Or have they resorted to just copying themselves...and others, too?
Above, from left: Vogue Italia January 2010 cover featuring Karlie Kloss; the editorial "Balancing Act" in the March 2009 issue of L'Officiel Singapore.
See our gallery of models falling.
See our gallery of models falling.