Coconut oil has basically conquered the beauty realm. We've shaved with it, moisturized with it, and even used it as deodorant. But, just when you thought you'd seen every iteration of coconut-oil-infused primpers, someone goes and shoves it into a comb. That's right, hair-wares company Cricket has just released a line of tools that contain coconut oil.
My interest obviously piqued, I picked up one of these wonder combs to give it a test-drive. Cricket's Ultra Smooth Combs, priced at $6.49 each, claim to have both coconut oil and keratin directly infused into the teeth and bristles. Working together, these two hair helpers allegedly cut down on frizz and leave your locks looking shiny and pretty just by brushing and detangling with them. To be fair, these claims can also be made by other combs, as brushing your hair in general tends to leave it shinier and less frizzy.
But, let's get down to brass tacks: Is there actual coconut oil in here? Yes — in the chemical makeup. Before the plastic is even molded into the shape of a comb, it's infused with coconut oil. This, according to the brand, alters the way the plastic interacts with hair; normally, plastic would create friction, but here the oils impart a smoothing effect and cohesive surface for your strands to slip through. So, when you comb your hair, the brush doesn't snag.
Using the brush myself, I did notice that it glided through my hair pretty easily. I used it after the shower to untangle my knots, and I didn't find myself tugging at my strands — at all. Was my hair smoother and shinier than normal? That's hard to say. Since using the brush, I have been noticing less fuzz around my crown, but I can't really tell if that is directly connected to my new tool.
Truth be told, having used pure, virgin coconut oil as is in my hair before, I'd say that method works a bit better to get the smooth strands you desire. But, not all hair types can handle a head full of grease. If you fall into that category or are just looking for a snag-free brush, Cricket's combs are a solid way for you to get your coconut on.
Cricket Ultra Smooth Coconut Oil & Keratin Combs, available this month at Cricket Co.
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