9 Tips Straight From Chefs Who Meal Prep For A Living

Photo: Courtesy of The Culinistas.
Not all of us were born to be meal-prepping masterminds. For some of us (okay most of us), Sundays are for sleeping. And meal prep? That's where The Culinistas come in. Founded by Jill Donenfeld and Tiana Tenet, the Culinistas is a private chef service that is essentially Lyft for homemade meals. Instead of someone driving you to the airport, you get a talented chef that grocery shops, comes to your home, preps, and cooks your meals for the week. The service brings together skilled chefs who customize the meals to your liking, revolutionizing the meal prepping game.
Since the service is currently only offered in New York, we asked the pros to bless us with a few grocery tips: tips that even the sleepiest, most minimal of culinary masterminds could use on their own to easily take portioning and packing skills to new heights. (Cue dramatic movie trailer music.) Now that is something worth getting out of bed for this weekend.
And fortunately, we've got just that kind of fire food guide ahead. Scroll on for the ten ways in which you can step up your own prepping games (no professional chef required) straight from chefs who meal prep for a living (literally). These tips will set you up for a week of homemade meal success — while still being able to hit that snooze button on Sunday.

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