While online window shopping, we recently stumbled upon an interesting find on the Pacsun site, the option to "Bill our Parents" with our purchase. "Bill My Parents", we discovered, is a service that allows credit-card-less teenagers to shop to their hearts content at approved shops like PacSun and Amazon. Once they've finished browsing, shopper-tots can then roll their virtual carts on over to the parents for approval and purchase (there's also a 50 cent cart fee that many retailers have waived). The company has skateboarder Rob Dyrdek fronting the campaign, and asks kids to choose the "The payment solution that fits your lifestyle." We're loathe to bring up the whole "When I was your age, we had to beg our parents for a ride to the mall where we'd pay for our own jelly sandals with pennies!" but when a trip to the mall seems like a lot of work, we're thinking that this "lifestyle" that Bill My Parents is catering towards reeks of entitled laziness.
Edited for updated information.