With all of the best new spring fashions hitting the shelves right now, we're being constantly reminded that it will soon be time to unwrap our bodies from all of those heavy winter layers. We're all for eating healthier, getting fit, and being proud of our bodies, but we're sick and tired of reading about the BS weight loss tips of celebrities.
When a star says that they came across their super-toned, taut physique by just "cutting out sweets, drinking lots of water, and running after my kids," it's enough to throw us into a rage blackout. We all know that getting a Hollywood bod means tons of time with a trainer and spartan diets that can be almost insane in their levels of deprivation. Why can't everyone just 'fess up and quit lying?
That's why we became so engrossed in this recent HuffPo piece on actresses that are refreshingly candid about their bodies. We love hearing that stars like Emma Stone feel a "deep-seated rage when [she's] holding heavy weights over [her] head." Or that Jennifer Lawrence wants to "punch people in the face" who say they like exercising. Good to know it's not just us. (Huffington Post)
Photo: Via Huffington Post