5 Things To Know This AM — Dec 06 2012

Confused about how a real, live tree can fit in your apartment when you don't even have space for a queen-sized bed? Behold, the (adorable) solution. (Free People)
Street style phototog and blogger Tommy Ton opened up about his addiction to fashion, the relationship between blogging and print media, and his problem with the term "blogger." Well, tell us how you really feel! (The Talks)
Still in need of a frock for that holiday party? Get an original piece by Chris Benz without breaking the, it's not Target, it's Anthropologie! (She Finds)
What happens when you send a man out on the streets in a pair of pants from the Opening Ceremony collab with Yoko Ono? One word…hilarity. For the small price of $335, you, too, can experience shocked and confused stares from passersby. (Racked)
Wanna combine the benefits of fresh-pressed juice with the joys of alcohol? You won’t have to wait long. Looks like there is a growing nationwide trend mixing health drinks with not-so-healthy ones. Bottoms up. (Yumsugar)
...And last but not least, today on Tinseltown: Gift advice, DIY, recipes and more!
AM links
Image via Free People.

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