On those special mornings when we're greeted by an invasion of mountainous zits, our first instinct is to squeeze 'em dry and then apply as much concealer and foundation as humanly possible.
However, we've always known somewhere in the backs of our minds that this is not the best way to treat a breakout. Everything we know about skin care tells us to tread lightly around irritated skin. So, we decided it's time to act like adults and figure out the right way to conceal our breakouts, without accidentally making them worse.
According to Dr. Schweiger, M.D., dermatologist and founder of Clear Clinic Acne Treatment Centers, we first have to choose between popping a pimple and covering it with makeup. "Never apply makeup on a pimple that you have just popped," he warns. "It could lead to infection."
Keep clicking to find out the right way to hide a blemish with makeup..

So, let's say we choose the route of not popping. (It's hard, we know.) The first step is to prep the skin. Rebecca Restrepo, global makeup artist for Elizabeth Arden, says to make sure you don't neglect your moisturizer in pimply times. As for what to use? She says, "My all-time favorite, especially for blemished skin, is Prevage Anti-Aging + Intensive Repair Daily Serum. It helps with skin discoloration caused by the blemishes and increases the cell-renewal process, which is what you need to heal." Dr. Schweiger adds, "Make sure you apply a spot treatment to the broken-out area before you put makeup on." He recommends a clear one like Vanished by Clear Clinic. We also love Indie Lee's Spot Treatment.
Once everything dries, you can go ahead and apply oil-free, non-comedogenic makeup. Just be sure your brushes and hands are clean before you touch your face with them, Dr. Schweiger advises.
Restrepo recommends using a liquid foundation like Flawless Finish Perfectly Nude Makeup over the breakout, followed by spot concealer. "Shine only highlights the problem," she says, "So, make sure to set the area by patting on a matte powder." And, here's a cool trick she told us: "Add a mist of water over your powder and then let it air dry. This will give you a more natural finish."
Clear Clinic Vanished, $35, available at Clear Clinic; Tarte Powderful Amazonian Clay Pressed Mineral Powder, $30, available at Sephora; Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Perfectly Nude Makeup, $38.50, available at Elizabeth Arden.
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