Ukrainians are urging women to "not give it to Russian men" in the bedroom. If that's not sexual politics, we don't know what is. (The Atlantic)
The artist formerly known as Puff Daddy will now be formerly known as Sean Combs, as he's reprised the latter. (Huffington Post)
It's taken 40 years, but KISS has finally landed the Rolling Stone cover it rightly deserves. (Rolling Stone)
A gay clergyman has been granted permission to marry his partner, marking the first of what's (hopefully) a shift in homosexual rights in the eyes of the Church. (The Daily Beast)
It's never too early to talk about Hillary Clinton, but how are presidential hopefuls going to win over millennials? That's the conversation we need to be having today. (CNN)
Now, for some bonus talking points: The Nets about to become the Russian basketball team. Make of that what you will. (The New York Times)
From kick starter to a FB buyout: the oculus story. (Time)