Claim To Fame:
The main ingredient here is the antioxidant quercetin, which not only affects your energy levels, it's touted as a great skin-care addition for its anti-aging effects. Gotta love that.
Why We Like It:
It comes in a million forms — bottles, cans, chews, and just-add-water powder packs.
A-. Think Emergen-C, but a little more dense.
We felt perkier, but not drastically so. With the same amount of caffeine as 1/3 of a cup of coffee, FRS is great for those who shudder at the sight of Red Bull.

Claim To Fame: The only energy drink with no sugar or sweeteners — not to mention, all fair trade, USDA organic ingredients.
Taste: A++. See above raving.
Effects: Considerable. Despite the taste, this should not be confused with a plain, old club soda. One can and you'll be good to go for a while.
Photo: Courtesy of HiBall

Why We Like It: It's portable, widely available, and lives up to it's no-crash promise.

Claim To Fame: All-natural ingredients, agave-sweetened, and boosted by all kinds of good-for-you juices, like elderberry and ginkgo.
Why We Like It: This feels a lot more like drinking a healthy, fresh juice than an energy drink.
Effects: Mixed. Some were wide awake after 20 minutes, while others didn't feel a thing. The good news all around? No crash or sleep problems, even if you drink it in the afternoon.
Photo: Courtesy of Scheckter's Organic Energy

Why We Like It: The flavors are varied and taste very good. Also, it's available in non-carbonated options, for a change.
Effects: Major. Some reported a three-espresso high, some were up half the night, and all of us agree — we look super skinny now.

Claim To Fame: Known for its juices and smoothie packs, Sambazon's new Amazon Energy offers the boost of a cup of coffee, with a heavy dose of açai and other antioxidants.
Effects: Everyone felt the same way they feel after a cup of coffee. So, the regular coffee fans felt great, and the non-java-drinkers felt cuh-razy.

Claim To Fame: Being Red Bull.
Why We Like It: It gets the job done.
Taste: B. With that signature Taurine-tang, it just tastes like you're going to be awake in 20 minutes.
Effects: If you've ever been a college student, you know how Red Bull affects you. Whether you've mixed it with vodka, used it as a study aid, or depended on it to get you up in the morning, Red Bull will always wake you way, way up.
Photo: Courtesy of Red Bull