Neptune In Pisces Means It’s Time To Make Some Tough Decisions

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On December 6, Neptune, the planet of illusions and delusions, will turn direct in Pisces, having been retrograde since June 30. This planet of fantasy often makes us feel we can achieve our hopes and visions, but once we start moving toward them, they may no longer seem desirable. However, when the planet is retrograde, it gives us a chance to reassess our desires. As Neptune turns direct, we will be forced to make decisions about what we genuinely want to bring into our lives and turn into reality. This may be a time of increased clarity and focus. However, this doesn't mean that the path will be easy.
Neptune moonwalks for approximately 40% of the year and these periods allow us to internalize our emotions and embrace our intuition. The veil is lifted, and we can see things clearly even if our vision has been clouded in the past. Fantasies are broken, and we are forced to accept situations for how they truly are, which may confuse many people. Don't forget that the Neptunian escape allows us to focus on our daydreams instead of dealing with situations for how they truly are.

This planet of fantasy often makes us feel we can achieve our hopes and visions, but once we start moving toward them, they may no longer seem desirable.

In our professional lives, it's important to pursue our goals and turn our visions into reality. However, we should be cautious not to rush into things without a proper plan or without considering the necessary steps. It's essential to protect our ideas from colleagues or management who might try to take credit for our work.
We need to make sure that we're legally protected and our boundaries are respected. As long as everyone stays in their lane and respects each other, work should go smoothly. It can be challenging to balance our professional and personal lives, but it's crucial not to let work consume our minds entirely.
Our creativity and imagination are soaring, granting us the freedom to take risks and explore new ways of using our talents. This is particularly evident for those of us who are artists. Our unique gifts are a source of strength that enable us to produce an exceptional amount of art. However, if you're feeling stuck, consider revisiting the basics or seeking inspiration from music or nature.
A trip to a museum or a concert can be transformative, providing an opportunity to observe other creators and gain motivation to experiment with different techniques. Use these as a catalyst for artistic growth and to showcase your innate talents.
When it comes to matters of the heart, it's easy to get lost in the excitement of a new relationship without fully understanding who the other person is. Neptune can put blinders on our eyes, allowing us to only see the good — which is why it may be shocking when we see people clearly. It's important to take a step back and see them for who they truly are, rather than being deluded by the idea of romance.
Don't let your emotions blind you to their nuances and habits. Be sure to seek the opinions of trusted friends and family to ensure you are making the right decision. We want the fairytale version of love so badly — even though we know deep down it doesn't exist. This doesn't mean doom and gloom for romance, it's just essential for us to know what we want and who we are involved with, so that we can ensure we’re not settling or being taken for a ride. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the future and in standing our ground.
Known as the “divine discontent,” Neptune can make us think all that glitters is gold, when this is not always the case. Everything looks beautiful from far away because we can't acknowledge the cracks and flaws until it’s right in front of us.  It's vital to move with caution and to trust with discernment. Don't jump in without testing the temperature of the water first.

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