An Astrologer Analyzes Joe Biden & Kamala Harris’ Chance Of Winning The Election

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
If you’re anything like me, you look to the stars to find meaning in all events that occur in the world. The 2020 Presidential Election is no different. When Kamala Harris was picked as Joe Biden’s running mate, I was excited — and I took a look at her chart (and his) to peep the deets of what’s to come, politically. 
Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28 p.m. in Oakland, CA. She came into the world during the Full Moon in Aries, which means she has a Libra Sun and an Aries Moon. Her Sun-Moon opposition means that she is a purveyor of truth, justice, peace — and she won’t stop on this pursuit until she achieves her goals. Her Gemini ascendent means that she’s very open to growth and bringing people together. Her opinions are based on facts and truths. As a leader, she’s fair-minded, passionate, and someone who wants to change the world through universal healing. 
Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 at 8:30 a.m. in Scranton, PA. He was born during a Waxing Full Moon, which means the Moon was just about to be at its peak luminescence. Like Harris, Biden is a person who cares about the people of the world. He’s not a person who puts politics first; he genuinely wants to help others (which is probably why he entered politics in the first place). 
As I took a gander at their charts separately, I marveled at their synastry  (aka their relationship astrology, a comparison of their birth charts). Their ascendants are in opposite signs to each other. This means that they were born to be in each other’s lives. They compensate for each other’s qualities and flaws — especially when it comes to their political and public views. Being that they are both born on Full Moons and Waning Full Moons, they have larger-than-life personalities which may add flavor to their candidacy together. Harris's North Node of Destiny in Sagittarius falls on his ascendant in Sagittarius, which means that their pairing is fated in the stars.
Regardless of your political leanings, astrologically speaking, Harris and Biden are literally the ideal pair to run together in the upcoming election.
I also worked up a birth chart for the public announcement that was made about their decision to run together in the election, their "event chart." This is also known as electional astrology, and was famously used by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s to use them to map out the safest times for public announcements after his assassination attempt.
Their chart is very fortunate. The announcement came at 4:15 p.m. EST on August 11, 2020, during the Last Quarter Moon, which is the ideal time to make a transformative announcement. The Sun was in passionate Leo, the Moon was in charming Taurus, and the ascendant was in expansive Sagittarius. 

Regardless of your political leanings, astrologically speaking, Harris and Biden are literally the ideal pair to run together in the upcoming election.

In an event chart, astrologers only really look at the placements and signs of the Moon, the ascendant, and the Sun. In Biden and Harris's chart, the Sun is strong in Leo and the Moon is at its best in Taurus, in the fifth house of self-expression. The ruler of the ascendant is Jupiter, which is located in the first house. This will yield a positive outcome. 
At the time Harris announced her run for VP, her Sun was in the Midheaven of the event chart, which means she’s making a very public statement that will alter her life forever. Transiting Saturn was squaring her natal Sun and Moon. Known as the karmic taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn — who is retrograde in Capricorn — was telling her to boss up and accept her new role, even if it’s awkward and uncomfortable to be sprung into the public like that. The transiting Nodes of Destiny were gracefully galvanizing her natal Sun and Moon, and the North Node of Destiny was on her ascendent. This tells us that she’s meant to shine now. 
Does she have a chance at winning the election? This question yields an interesting answer. Transiting Neptune is backpedaling through her natal Midheaven in Pisces until November 28. There will be uncertainty about what endeavors she wishes to support. Still, this Neptune placement allows one to enchant others with their words; people will be drawn to Harris's charisma. She is also having a nodal opposition this year, meaning the Nodes of Destiny oppose each other. This transit brings luck, which could be an indicator that her campaign will be successful. 
Another good sign: On Election Day, the Moon will be in Gemini, on Harris's ascendant, and on the transiting North Node of Destiny. The Moon, however, will be on her natal South Node, which can indicate an emotional loss. 
Still, it’s my professional opinion that this team has a high chance of winning the election. Both of their charts support a win — particularly hers, which indicates that Biden made a smart pick if he hopes to crush the election. The only caveat is that she needs to be clear on their incentives. If she's decisive, then her chances are high. This isn’t a grand slam win, but their odds are looking up. 

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