Everyone You Need To Know From The Cast Of Netflix’s Reality Show Love Is Blind

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Over three weeks, Netflix will release episodes of its new dating show called Love Is Blind. As the title suggests, the streaming platform somehow found a group of attractive, single men and women in their mid twenties and thirties who were willing to sign up for a show where they would get engaged without seeing the other person. You read that right. Love Is Blind tests if its title is true by seeing if couples will actually get married after proposing to each other behind a screen.
Love Is Blind basically puts its cast into a scenario like that of Netflix's The Circle and adds romance to it: A group of people participate in a speed dating experiment but instead of swapping chairs they switch “pods.” The pods are tiny rooms where the contestants can only hear each other because there is an opaque wall separating them. They form strong emotional connections and some of them get down on one knee. After they get engaged, and only after they get engaged, they finally meet face to face and begin their journey. Oh, and their weddings are only 28 days away. 
The rest of the process involves going on a pre-honeymoon trip, moving in together, convincing friends and family that their love will last, and finally an actual wedding day. Each couple decides at the altar whether or not they want to go through with the wedding. It’s a whirlwind filled with fights, tears, and heartfelt moments that you won’t be able to look away from. So, who would put themselves through this intense experience for the possibility of love and marriage? Meet the 13 contestants who seek to find out if love is truly blind. 

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