Ayesha Curry On Her Ideal Mother's Day & Why There's No Such Thing As Work-Life Balance

Photo: Courtesy of Ayesha Curry.
Ayesha Curry has a lot going on. The 30-year-old mother of three (and wife to NBA star Stephen Curry) got her start in 2014 with a family-focused cooking show on YouTube and is quickly growing an empire. She's now a bestselling author, restaurateur, and TV host with a cookware and bedding line, a meal kit service, and, most recently, a lifestyle website called Homemade, where it all comes together.
Ahead, Refinery29 talked to Curry about how she got her newest venture off the ground, her ideal Mother's Day (it involves watching Bravo), and the lessons she hopes to teach her kids about success.
Why did you decide to launch Homemade?
Homemade started as solely a meal kit service, and then I launched my cookware and bedding lines all under my name. So I said you know what? It'd be really nice to have this lifestyle hub where I can put all of these things into one place and create a world of home and warmth and family.
Wander is the blog portion of Homemade where you can find the latest recipes, fashion and makeup tips — everything you can think of. I just wanted a safe space where people can come for products, tools, and things that are vetted out and can hopefully learn something new and take away a new trick or a new recipe to be able to enjoy with their families.
You have so many projects going on! How do you balance business and family? What's your support network like?
I always say that I truly don't believe that balance exists. I like to say there are peaks and valleys. There are moments where you feel like you just want to quit. I have three kids, and my son is just 10 months old, so sometimes I'm like, I just don't want to do this today. But then you press forward, and you realize it's a moment and then something great happens in business and you just want to keep trucking along. It's acknowledging these moments — letting the bad moments pass and realizing the bigger picture.
And then of course I feel like as a woman it took me a long time to realize that it's okay to have a village, and that everybody needs a village. I have my sister helping me, my parents, my husband's parents. We truly have a village in every sense of the word, and I couldn't do it without them.
Did it get a lot harder going from two kids to three?
Oh yeah. But — and I've heard this time and time again — for some reason my third is so easy. He's very regimented, he's on a schedule. Maybe it's because I'm a more relaxed parent now. It's like those diaper commercials where the parent just becomes more and more relaxed with each child — but that's how I feel, and I think it's reflected every day how his easygoing nature really gives me a sense of peace in the way that I work and function. But I mean, has it gotten crazier? Yes. Because I only have two hands and three children, sometimes I'm outnumbered in limbs to human beings.
What is your dream Mother's Day plan?
I say this all the time, but my dream is sleep. Like a full day of it, where I don't have to get out of bed and I can binge-watch Bravo shows. But that's not gonna happen because I'll be spending my Mother's Day at the arena — Game 7 is scheduled for Sunday if they don't get it done before then. So nothing out of the ordinary. I've spent most of my Mother's Days there, so I guess my biggest Mother's Day dream would be a win.
How do you fit cooking into your busy life?
Cooking is my passion and kind of like my therapy. I've just lucked out that I've been able to make it my career. But as a mom, there are days when it's very difficult to find that time to get a meal on the table. So I make sure I have easy options on hand at all times — I'm big on sheet-pan dinners where you can just take things, throw them on a sheet pan, and pop 'em in the oven. I invested in a rice cooker and that was everything. And then there are other days where I'm ordering takeout, and that's fine.
What lessons do you want to teach your kids about business? What lessons have you learned from your own mom?
I want them to learn a sense of fearlessness and be willing to fail so that they can succeed. I feel like when you're afraid of failing, you hinder yourself because you're not thinking outside of the box. I always want them to know that the world is truly their oyster and that if they have a vision and a dream and a passion, even if what their vision is doesn't end up being successful, they can never say they didn't try. I think as an entrepreneur, that's really important.
And from my mom, just to work hard. Tune out the naysayers, and regardless of what happens, if you're passionate and your conscience is good and you have a pure heart, things will ultimately usually work out. And to know that everything's okay!

Because I only have two hands and three children, sometimes I'm outnumbered in limbs to human beings.

What advice do you have for young women looking to start their own businesses?
Don't be afraid to use the tools that are available to them on the internet when it comes to tech. Something like a GoDaddy, which lets you build out your website and have the power and the tools you need, and is affordable and easy, is a great route if you're starting a business. I'm not afraid to say that when it comes to technology, I'm a little challenged. I'm right at that age demographic where it wasn't something that was necessarily taught in school, and so I've kind of been learning on the fly. And it was perfect, because GoDaddy literally had all of the tools necessary for me to create my website — everything from the template to how I wanted the look and feel to be when people visit the site. So from a business standpoint that's helped me tremendously.
Even if you're not starting a business in tech, make sure you have a website. It's the easiest way to get yourself out there — your vision, your world, your messaging, and nobody else can skew it. It's your opportunity to showcase what it is you have to offer, and I think it's really smart to set that up for yourself.

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