Everything Leaving Netflix In October

Midway through the month of October, the ultimate haunted house movie is leaving Netflix. In the crumbling Victorian house of The Babadook (2014), every floorboard creak could very well indicate the presence of a looming, skinny, top hat-wearing monster. After the Babadook arrives, Amelia (Essie Davis) manages to stay brave for a few minutes longer than her son, Samuel (Noah Wiseman), does – but barely.
You have until October 14 to watch The Babadook, a perfect pre-Halloween treat. Netflix is here to remind us that nothing gold can stay, as the streaming service does every month with this announcement. This is your last call to watch Michelle and Barack Obama's first date reenacted in Southside With You, the last time you can see Amy Adams fly to Ireland with the intention of proposing to her boyfriend in Leap Year, and the last time you can see the visually inventive animated movie Kubo and the Two Strings (get on that).
Naturally, you can always rent these movies once they're gone. But who has time for that? Here's what TV shows and movies should watch before they leave Netflix.

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