This Man Accidentally Sent His Mom A Very Scandalous Photo

One man thought he was sending his mom an adorable photo of his girlfriend, until his friend pointed out that part of it was very NSFW.
Maison Vallance also shared the photo on Twitter originally, saying "I took this picture to let my Momma know I found the shirt she got me, but Meghan is too pretty not to post it."
His mom was looking for a specific shirt he had, and instead of just telling her he found it, he also wanted to show off his girlfriend, so he had her pose with the shirt. Seems harmless, right?
It was, until a friend of his responded to the tweet and pointed out what was visible in the background: Some suspicious ropes hanging from Vallance's headboard.
Vallance hasn't confirmed what exactly the ropes are for, but given his reaction to sending the photo to his mom, we're pretty sure they're exactly what everyone's thinking. He hasn't denied it, either.
Vallance's friend Brooke Tussey, who originally pointed out the ropes, also thanked Vallance "for being kinky" after the tweet was featured on BuzzFeed.
Luckily, Vallance doesn't think his mom even noticed the ropes. Even if she had, the two have an open relationship, and he doesn't think she'd react poorly, he told BuzzFeed.
"She's very comfortable with me and I'm comfortable with her," he said.
In fact, he even plans to tell her about the viral tweet and see her reaction.
He predicts it will be along the lines of, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I think it will be funny and I'll just say, OK, let's forget about this now," he said.
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