How To Spend Halloween, According To Your Sign

Photographed by Renell Medrano.
For every person who's had their Halloween plans on lock since Labor Day, there's someone who's scrambling to find a party and cobble together a costume the night of. If you relate to the latter, you might want to check in with the stars for some astrological inspiration.
To make a grand and sweeping understatement, every sign of the Zodiac likes to spend their time differently. It's only fair to believe, then, that a Taurus might not jump at the chance to spend Halloween the way an adventurous Sagittarius would, or that a Cancer would be perfectly happy staying home while an Aquarius would be itching to be where the people are.
It's up to you to decide how you really spend All Hallows' Eve, but if you're without plans, your sign just might point you in the right direction. Read on to discover how your astrological sign would have you spend your Halloween.

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