Many people learn to cover up the physical features they're insecure about. But for a new photoshoot, Revelist asked women to do the opposite: highlight their so-called "flaws" with glitter. A video features three women of different shapes and sizes posing for photos in glitter and getting honest about their body image struggles.
One woman named Brittany talks about being complimented for being "so skinny" when she had an eating disorder. She put glitter on her thighs to celebrate no longer wanting a thigh gap. Another, Ashleigh, says she's insecure because her back rolls aren't symmetrical, but celebrating her back would set a good example for others who look like her.
Revelist's associate fashion Producer Jessica Torres chose her stomach. "I remember just avoiding my reflection as much as I could — especially my belly area was something that I was completely ashamed of — and I knew it was something that society thought I should be ashamed of," she says. "I felt vulnerable and extremely exposed, but towards the end, I felt beautiful. I felt like I was worthy of an amazing shoot like this, like my body should be seen."
This video and the accompanying photos remind us that we don't have to let anyone else tell us what our "flaws" are. These women are declaring that they decide how they think of their bodies.
"It almost felt like a dirty secret of mine was finally out. These photos will be a reminder: I get to choose how I feel about my body, not a person or a magazine or a fashion brand, me," wrote Torres. "To anyone out there who's avoiding the mirror or living in hiding: Loving your biggest insecurities is possible. It may not happen overnight, but it can happen for each and every one of us without exception. Your body and mine deserve to be seen and loved, with or without glitter."
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