More Than Half Of Married Millennials Wish They Had More Sex

Photo: Alexander Nicholson/Getty Images.
According to headlines, it seems that millennials can have it all. They can have their avocado toast and still afford houses. They can go on vacations and still contribute to their 401(k)s. But a new report found that there's one thing they want more of: sex.
Cosmopolitan found that "52% of respondents wish they were having sex more often."
Using social media, the magazine looked at data pulled from 1,162 men and women aged 20 to 29. Cosmo found that 60% of the respondents reported having sex two to three times a week before they were married. That figure dropped down to 43% post-I Do. The data backs up the old adage that sex dries up after marriage, no matter how young the couple is or how long they've been married.
"There was definitely a drop-off after the first few months of marriage," Elizabeth, one of the respondents, told Cosmo. "Right after the wedding, it was great, we were having sex all the time. But now, there are just so many times when one of us feels stressed out and just wants to go to sleep."
The survey also revealed that men are more likely to report that they want more sex (62% of men vs. 47% of women).
However, the data doesn't reflect happiness and satisfaction in any way. 64% of responders said that they were extremely happy in their marriages, regardless of sex, and 29% said that they were somewhat happy. Cosmo's survey also found that married millennials found their spouses just as attractive or even more attractive than before the wedding. Only 6% of the participants reported feeling less attracted to their spouses after getting married.
Millennials didn't see sex as the most integral part of marriage. The participants noted that honesty, communication, and being part of a team were more important than scorching-hot sex all the time.
"I think it's a trade-off," Tim, a respondent, said. "You get the comfort of knowing you'll be with a person you're devoted to for the rest of your life."
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