3 Rules For Making A Career Change (Without Losing Everything You've Ever Worked For)

Earlier in my career, I was working as a marketing manager at a beauty company — a position that I thought would check every box on my “dream job” checklist.
But, as it turns out, I wasn’t great at marketing, I wasn’t fulfilled by working in that industry, and I realized that what I really wanted was to build a career doing the one thing I’d always loved: writing.
There was one problem, though, and it was a big one: All of my previous experience had been building toward my marketing role. Making a major change would mean scrapping everything I had been working for and heading back to square one — not exactly an inspiring thought.
But fast forward a few years later, and I was starting my position as Editor in Chief at The Muse, a website dedicated to helping people find jobs that they love. I had pivoted my career into a role that perfectly matched what I was looking for, and I was able to do so by building on my past experience — not starting from scratch.
So, I’m here to tell you that, if you’re not happy, but you’re daunted by the prospect of making a career 180, I’ve been there. And throughout my own experience, I’ve identified three steps that can help you get closer to your goals.

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