Update (6/29/2018): For the second year in a row, President Trump has completely ignored LGBTQ+ Pride month (although at least one of his kids has not). President Trump once again proclaimed June as National Homeowner's Month, National Ocean Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, and Great Outdoors Month, but did not acknowledge that June is also LGBTQ+ Pride month.
Update (6/30/2017): It's June 30th, officially the last day of Pride month in the US, and President Trump still hasn't acknowledged its existence. Given that the POTUS hasn't proclaimed this June as Pride month for the LGBTQ community, an Ohio senator — Sherrod Brown — has taken the responsibility upon himself. He introduced the first-ever Senate resolution to declare June LGBTQ Pride month on Wednesday.
Read our original story below:
Thursday was the official start of Pride month — a time to honor the history and accomplishments of LGBTQ people. But while Pride has, in previous years, been heralded with official proclamation by then-President Barack Obama (who also organized Pride events at the White House over the last eight years), this year, the LGBTQ community was met with silence from the Trump administration.
President Trump has still not publicly acknowledged Pride Month — though he did make the time and effort to officially declare June as National Homeowner's Month, National Ocean Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, and Great Outdoors Month.
LGBTQ activists are, understandably, more than a little upset by the silence.
.@realDonaldTrump couldn't be bothered to issue a proclamation to recognize #LGBTPrideMonth. Given his record, maybe it's for the best. pic.twitter.com/EwwYU9TLC0
— Shin Inouye (@shin_inouye) May 31, 2017
“Every June, leaders from all walks of life recognize Pride month and stand together in support of LGBTQ people, however President Trump chose to start this Pride month with deafening silence,” Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said in a statement provided to Refinery29.
The Human Rights Campaign responded to the silence with their own proclamation, naming June #UniteResistEnlist Month. The statement breaks down Trump's not-so-great history on LGBTQ policy issues and calls for activists to take action against the administration.
"WHEREAS, Donald Trump has launched a crusade against LGBTQ rights and progress by appointing anti-LGBTQ activists across his Administration, rescinding guidance regarding schools’ obligations to transgender students, pushing an unconstitutional Muslim ban and draconian deportation policies, inviting his cabinet to create a #LicenseToDiscriminate, proposing dangerous cuts to critical health care programs and research, and erasing LGBTQ people in federal data collection," the statement reads.
#PrideIsHappening! We're mobilizing thousands to ensure #LGBTQ progress is protected! #Pride2017 https://t.co/ySH9TObgB0 pic.twitter.com/ngSGuZ3KNm
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) June 2, 2017
Although her father remains silent, Ivanka Trump posted two tweets acknowledging Pride month yesterday, wishing everyone "a joyful Pride," adding that she is "proud to support my LGBTQ friends and the LGBTQ Americans who have made immense contributions to our society and economy."
But for many activists, this isn't enough.
cc: @realDonaldTrump while we appreciate @IvankaTrump's support, she's not the one leading this country. Nothing but silence so far. https://t.co/ooAqAbg7n6
— Sarah Kate Ellis (@sarahkateellis) June 2, 2017
"Even if Ivanka Trump tries to save face with LGBTQ Americans, President Trump’s negligence at the start of Pride month provided another example that this administration is no friend to the community," Ellis said.
While Trump's silence doesn't necessarily come as a surprise, many are still disappointed that he didn't take the chance to become the first Republican president to acknowledge Pride.
Bill Clinton was the first to mark June as Pride Month, a practice that was shut down during George Bush's eight years in office and then picked back up when Barack Obama took office. Obama was the first to host Pride Month events at the White House, which will likely also be absent under the Trump administration.
Again, although LGBTQ activists are upset with what seems to be a step back on support from the White House, this move isn't too surprising. Trump's administration has made several decisions in the few months since he started his presidency that threaten the rights of LGBTQ Americans, and Vice President Mike Pence has been repeatedly criticized for holding anti-LGBTQ views.
Despite the lack of presidential support, LGBTQ activists and their allies are still celebrating Pride the best way they know how — with plenty of rainbows and resistance.
Happy Pride Month! ?️? sorry about the whole president thing
— "Sarah Schauer" (@SJSchauer) June 2, 2017
"While the Trump Administration tries to systematically erase LGBTQ people and families from the fabric of this nation, LGBTQ Americans and allies must do what we know best this Pride month – stay visible and march for acceptance," Ellis said.
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