Of Course Harry Styles’ Tweet About Taylor Swift Had The Most RTs In 2016

Way back in 2012, Harry Styles and Taylor Swift were spotted strolling around Central Park together. They were deemed a hot pop star couple and rebranded as Haylor. But by 2014, Haylor had fizzled out, and the world had moved on to obsess over new rumored pairs. But here we are in 2016, still haunted by the relationship that once (apparently) was. When Styles turned 22, he tweeted a little birthday message for himself to his fans and included a clever nod to his ex Swift. The tweet went on to become the most retweeted post of the entire year. Considering how many followers Swift and Styles have combined (over 100 million), I can't say I'm too surprised this single tweet had so many online impressions. At the moment, the short message has been Liked nearly 1 million times and has been retweeted by more than 700,000 users. That is...a lot.
At the time, fans thought the tweet meant the two were going to get back together, but that's apparently not the case. He really was just feeling 22.

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