Your December Netflix Horoscope: What To Watch, According To Your Sign

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Rather than Netflix and chill, why not try Netflix and align (with the stars)?
There are very few things I love as much as binge-watching something addictive, terrifying, hilarious, and inspiring from my queue — but astrology runs a pretty close second. And if you’ve ever read your horoscope, you know it can be pretty addictive, terrifying, hilarious, and inspiring in its own right.
Which is why we decided to combine the two to come up with “Netflix Horoscopes,” mixing all the fun of astrology with the very serious matter of what to stream on TV next. (I’ve also highlighted folks involved in the production of these cinematic offerings who share your monthly sign. Trust me: It’s oddly comforting knowing your favorite actor might be facing a similar forecast ahead.)
I’ll be using predictions from (quoted throughout) to forecast your December, and hand-picking Netflix recommendations from new releases, hidden gems, and classics you may not realize are available to get you through the unique challenges of the season. And while each horoscope is tailored to your sun sign, don’t worry: You won’t send Mercury into retrograde should you decide to cheat and try out another sign’s recs. All movies and TV shows have been watched, tested, and approved (sometimes twice!) by yours truly.

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