Harley Quinn Smith is not your average 17-year-old. She stars in the film Yoga Hosers with Lily Rose Depp, is named after an iconic Suicide Squad comic-book character, and has well-known comedian and actor Kevin Smith as a father. She also has to deal with not-so-average internet trolls.
People are weirdly confident when writing mean things on celebrities' social media accounts. The thing is, stars often read these mean comments, especially a rising one like Harley Quinn, who has a relatively modest 125,000 Instagram followers. Basically, she can see that messed-up shit you're writing, and don't think she's going to let it slide. One guy learned this lesson the hard way, thanks to Harley and her dad.
It started with this headshot of Harley from Sundance, which the actress shared on August 14.
One guy felt the need to post a vulgar, threatening, and unnecessary response. “You’re ugly as shit,” the commenter wrote. “And that steaming horse shit of a movie, yoga hosers, should be banned. Fuck your talentless cunt of a father for trying to compare it with the matrix. You’re cancer and I sincerely hope you end up like Lindsay Lohan and dead.”
Harley read the message then passed it along to her father, which promoted him to share The Best Social Media Post By a Dad, Ever.
Not only did he bring up an amazing point — that a 17-year-old girl (or any girl) should never, ever be forced to deal with this kind of online bullying (or, as he calls it: "the saddest form of masturbation that exists and requires no discernible skill or talent") — but he also offered some solid life advice for everyone reading.
"What it's like to be my daughter: 17 year old @harleyquinnsmith received this message simply for the heinous crime of posting a pic of herself on @instagram. I have zero clue what the reference to #TheMatrix is all about but, wow — way to unload on a teen girl because YOU have nothing to do in life. But even though I should be apoplectic about it, my kid thought it was funny. 'I'd be mad if I had a tiny dick and anonymous voice too,' she said, bemused by the bitterness. But here's a nickel's worth of free advice for folks like this Troll: if you hate me (or my kid) this much, the better use of your time is to make YOUR dreams come true, instead of slamming others for doing the same. Because randomly attacking others merely communicates how creatively and emotionally bankrupt you are. You think you have something to offer the world but others are getting all the attention? Don't bitch or punish the world: just create. Create something nobody's ever seen before and there is a good chance the world will notice you."
He continues, "Attacking teen girls on the Internet is the saddest form of masturbation that exists and requires no discernible skill or talent. You want attention? Don't make yourself mad, make something original and fun. Because if you're not being useful in this world you're being useless. Don't be useless: go make stuff that makes people happy! #KevinSmith #HarleyQuinnSmith #YogaHosers."
Smith was immediately applauded for his epic response, which is an excellent example of how to deal someone trolling your own kid. It would be hard not to just freak out, but he kept it cool. One comment on his post read, "Not that you need validation from me or anyone else here, but you're a good man and a great dad." Another added, "Best. Father. Ever! I couldn't be [half] as classy as you were in your response."
Harley also posted the comment again, with the troll's username exposed for all to see, and thanked everyone for standing up for her. In her thoughtful post, she wrote, "Everyone is so fantastic in their own unique way so don't let anyone try to demean you of your worth. With 1 person trying to shut you down, there will be another 100 people there to support you. So do what you love and spread positivity because life is too short to waste it either being a troll or paying attention to them!!!! Don't ever let some stranger on the Internet try to bring down your self confidence because you are wonderful just the way you are!! Kill em with kindness kids."
Here's to the apple not falling far from the tree in the best way possible. #DaddyDaughterGoals.