These Books Were Sanitized To Become Children’s Movies

Photo: Moviestore/REX/Shutterstock.
Every year seems to being more kid's movies that started out as YA novels. But sometimes the story line of a book for older kids doesn't exactly make for a fuzzy, family-friendly film. And some young adult books aimed at high school kids need to be retooled to appeal to the middle school set, too. So movie execs tone down the language. Or a writer transforms a contentious familial relationship into a loving one.
So feel free to enjoy your favorite kid's flicks, like the now 15-year-old Princess Diaries. Or rewatch any of the other toned-down films we've rounded up. Just know that in the Princess Diaries novel, Mia's father is alive and well, with a second secret daughter, and her mother elopes with her math teacher after finding out she's pregnant. And most importantly, her grandmother is definitely no Julie Andrews.

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