Dwayne Johnson (or "The Rock," as we all lovingly know the big guy) had, until recently, been on a 27-year hiatus from candy. Yes, that's right — 27 whole years without any candy. Not a lick of a Tootsie Pop, a bite of a Twix, or even a handful of Jelly Bellies. But that hiatus came to an end yesterday evening when Johnson appeared on The Tonight Show with host (and candy-pusher) Jimmy Fallon.
As evidenced in the clip below, Johnson confessed to an incredulous Fallon that his last bite of candy was a movie-theater Twizzlers all the way back in 1989. This admission prompted the unveiling of the hidden candy hoard behind Fallon's desk: Twizzlers, Ring Pops, Nerds Rope, a foot-long gummy worm, and last but not least, a bag of Pop Rox.
What ensued can only be described as Fallon hand-feeding The Rock his first bite of candy in almost three decades: a handful of Pop Rox. And it was just as sweet as you'd imagine.